Detailed article. Thanks, Mr. Alfredo.
Organic way is not going to help and support food security. It is a bottleneck for the development of the livestock sector.
Organic farming--either crops or animal is basically not a feasible way for farmers with limited access to capital or inputs to operate. The ability to get "organic certified" inputs in remote or primitive systems is economically impossible and the ability to source the inputs is unfeasible. Producers with limited resources must proceed in a way that allows them to maximize the resources available at a reasonable cost. They are normally already using "organic" procedures such as manure for fertilizer, local feedstuffs that are available, etc. Their problem is the ability to get resources to allow them to produce in a sustainable, profitable manner. The concept of organic agricultural production using "certified organic" inputs is basically a system based on production which can be sold at a higher value due to it fitting the rules of a system--not producing for a system that allows the production of agricultural products that fit local systems and economical patterns.
Your concern is very valid. Organic agriculture is very different from sustainable agriculture!