31 de agosto de 2016
Dr. Scheunemann - if i would like to use this article as a reference for a training course, how would i write the reference citation?
1 de septiembre de 2016
Julie - you could reference the article as:
1) Schuenemann, G.M., and K.N., Galvão. 2014. Cost-Effective Reproductive Programs for Lactating Dairy Cows: Economic Comparison of all Estrus Detection, all Timed-AI, or a Combination of Both. Dairy Cattle, Engormix, May 19, 2014.
Select Sires Inc.
1 de septiembre de 2016
We have seen a combination of Timed-A.I. and activity monitoring to yield the highest 21-day pregnancy rate. Usually a Double Ovsynch with insemination in the mid to 70 DIM followed by monitoring to detect a high percentage of returns. The real question is cost effectiveness.
1 de septiembre de 2016
Thanks! And i agree - i'd love to see a cost analysis of the efficacy data calculated above. Of course, the drawback to both would be that they are models only - and not a real world comparison, however i think your assumptions bases are strong.