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Rabbit Farming and its Scope in Khyber Pakhtunkwa, Pakistan

Published: November 29, 2013
By: Shahed Ullah Shah, Sar zamin Khan, Kamran Khan, Naseer Ahmad (Faculty of Animal Husbandry and veterinary Sciences, the University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan)

A study was undertaken to document the status of rabbit farming system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The Province was divided into seven regions, from which data were captured using a structured questionnaire. The survey revealed that proper details about indigenous rabbit breeds were not found in the province. Six rabbit varieties were identified on the basis of body coat and eye color. The varieties available in different regions of KP were Black & White (36.84 %), White (20.84 %), White Bay (20. %), Black (12.28 %), Gray (5.7 %) and Bay (4.28%) out of sample the population. Average live weights for different varieties were Black & White (1.68 kg), White (1.47 kg), White Bay (1.76 kg), Black (1.70 kg), Gray (1.59 kg) and Bay (1.50 kg). Mean litter sizes found for different varieties were Black & White (5.69±0.25), White (5.32±0.33), White Bay (5.45±0.34), Black (5.37±0.44), Gray (5.20±0.61) and Bay (5.13±0.60). Mean annual kindling for different varieties were Black & White (7.48±0.14), White (7.24±0.23), White Bay (7.32±0.24), Black (7.44±0.23), Gray (6.90±0.35) and Bay (6.80±0.41). People rearing rabbits in Kacha & covered houses of Southern region (39.66±1.33), Central region (22.00±1.00) and Northern region (23.50±0.50). Kacha housing system was found in Southern region (9.66±1.76), Central region (7.00±4.00) and Northern region (10.00±2.00). Rabbit made tunnels were used in Southern region (0.67±0.66), Central region (21.00±5.00) and Northern region (16.50±2.50). Pre weaning, post weaning and adult percent survival rate were found in Southern region (94.36±0.46, 83.66±0.63 and 85.86±0.67), Central region (84.35±0.74, 57.40±0.89 and 64.95±1.00) and Northern region (84.90±0.82, 59.65±0.99 and 69.70±0.84) respectively. People rearing rabbits for meat purpose were found in Southern region (36.66 %), Central region (24 %) and Northern region (24 %). Rabbits kept for family assistance were found in Southern region (28 %), Central region (19 %) and Northern region (17 %) respectively. Pet farming was found as Southern region (8.66 %), Central region (25 %) and Northern region (27 %) respectively. Rabbits were accepted for meat purposes in southern regions (42.66 %), central region (33 %) and northern regions (33 %). Traditional (24.57 %) and religious (2.28 %) myths about rabbit meat were also found in some community of the province. Present study concluded that scope of rabbit as meat animal exists in the province and improvement in rabbit management could efficiently improve its production and utilization.

Keywords: Indigenous, rabbit, farming system, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, profit

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Sarzamin Khan
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