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Research on Therapeutic Milk Production for Diabetes in Humans from Indigenous Cattle

Published: October 19, 2017
INTRODUCTION In ancient Vedic literature, there are references to indicate that milk and milk derivatives can be used, among other things, for the treatment of human diseases. It is reported that “only desi Indian cow milk contains 24 essential elements – notable among those are copper and gold (Aurum Hydra oxide) which provide energy & immunity power, highly antibiotics &...
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Saibutcharao Mallampalli
Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan
24 de octubre de 2017
Thought provoking article as in the world map exotic cows r more than Indian indigneous cows. Does curd made from milk got from exotic cows will give the same benefit. If not why? In the article it is tried to prove that it is because of genetic make up of desi cows
Vivek Shah
25 de octubre de 2017
Sir, please let us know how is the indian cow able to produce copper and gold in the milk and whether you have done icp analysis when both the exotic and Indian cows are fed same feed. Also if what you say is fact then why is there mortality and morbidity and sickness is higher in India compared to the countries that are consuming milk of exotic breed. And also I would be enlightened if you can share whether in any scriptures the name of the breed is mentioned such as you mentioned gir and ongole. Please do share the original scriptures as I do not possess such knowledge.
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
25 de octubre de 2017
From Ancient days to till today Indians considering Indian cow is moving temple or moving Dispensary due to their practical experience. As per Vivek mortality ,morbidity and sickness is higher India may be right it is not due to drinking of Desi cow milk. Some researchers found that resistance and mental health is good in people who consuming Desi cow milk. Lot of research needed to understand the importance of Indian Cow. How many of our scientists,Vets know the details of Rumen micro flora in Indian cow? Complete Physical Biochemical analysis of Desi Cow Milk
Vivek Shah
25 de octubre de 2017
Saibutcharao Mallampalli sir request to provide scientific literature or article or any viable proof. Scientists are working on rumen microflora of the species itself. Your thoughts if compared to us will also mean that only Indians are superior and possess some extra SNP in their genetics rather than any other Human.
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
25 de octubre de 2017
Vivek Sir Greetings I never told Indian cow is superior than other cows and Indians are superior than other people. I am trying to find out therapeutic values of Indian cow milk Personally I will consider Vedas are standard references for all our scientific research. Once I will find out the active molecule responsible for controlling sugar ,definitely I will provide scientific evidence Please bare with my traditional Innocence Thanks with Regards
Vivek Shah
25 de octubre de 2017
Saibutcharao Mallampalli please let me know in which ved and verse there is mention of the breed name as per your claim. You may consider anything superior as per your will but what I am asking is clarity sorry for my persistent behaviour but am seeking answers.
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
26 de octubre de 2017

Dear Vivek Ji I understood that you are not followed my article Firstly I tried on available breeds Gir and Ongole Cows. If you can go through references you can find my statement all Indian Cattle Breeds. there are so many references about Indian cow in Rig Veda and Atharvana Veda
for your understanding

(Atharvana Veda 4-21-11 and 6)

Oh Cows! With your milk and ghee you make the physically weak strong, and nurture the sick to health. With your sacred utterances, you chastise our homes. Your glory is discussed in gatherings.

(Atharvana Veda 10-10-34)

The Gods and men live on cow products. Till the Sun shines, the universe will have Cows. The whole universe depends on the support of cow.

She is Kamadhenu – the divine cow that fulfils all our desires. Her body is of cow and face is of a woman. She was born before the amrutha when the ocean was churned. Her hair exudes fragrance. From her udder she showers Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. She is an abode to self-knowledge, shelters, Sun, Moon and Fire God. All the Gods and the living beings depend on her. She provides us with food and supreme knowledge even when we mildly pray. Let her be near us.
Still you have doubt wait for some time I will show you scientific evidence .

Vivek Shah
26 de octubre de 2017
Saibutcharao Mallampalli Saibutcharao Mallampalli great Sir, but still i see only the word cow no mention of any specific area. I believe in God and that god resides in everyone and also that all cows are the incarnation of kamdhenu i do not search my god in Only Indian cows but as cows overall and that was my only point on all these discussions. Thank you sorry if i have offended you in any way i did not intend the same. I hope you will understand my message.
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
26 de octubre de 2017
Vivek Ji I respect all living beings on the Globe Every living being has their own Identity. But I differ you in All cows are not same. There are so many tests to find the differences between desi cow and other cows Milk Test Do MBRT test for both milk for every one hour Ghee Test Color golden yellow for Desi Cow Ghee Store it for 6 months and examine which ghee will get rancidity I know and experienced the Importance of Indian Cow I never get offend Like this discussions In fact I feel very happy that I have got chance to educate about Indian Cow Thanks a lot
Vivek Shah
26 de octubre de 2017
Saibutcharao Mallampalli Sorry sir, my opinion differs as I have also done tests. If you keep both the cow in same condition give them same feed then there will be no difference in MBRT. Golden yellow color and granular ghee can be made it differs in manufacturing the rancidity etc all differs in manufacturing technique only.
Roger Hinge
27 de octubre de 2017
Saibutcharao Mallampalli sir, I am in agreeance with you and Vivek Shah for you can both be right, but the point I made was because it was stated if the Desi Cow was fed a specific diet then her milk was in fact golden yellow. Please stick to the facts! The Jersey cow can produce golden yellow milk if she is allowed the opportunity to freely select from a range of nutriment formulas that provide her with the specific nutrients she needs to feed her specific DNA, everyday.
Vivek Shah
27 de octubre de 2017
Roger Hinge i completely agree and that is what i was trying to explain
Roger Hinge
28 de octubre de 2017
Vivek Shah I would truly love to be discussing Gee and the amazing health benefits it offers. Unfortunately it appears from the info I have been watching Gee also must be prepared a certain way. Many want to jump on the bandwagon Gee benefits offer, but many Gee producers take shortcuts and many lives will be cut short because of it.
Shashi Taunk
28 de octubre de 2017
Saibutcharao Mallampalli Leaving aside the discussiond that would lead to no where even after great lengths, we must remember one basic difference between two breeds under the current discussion that exotic cows have been developed into a Milk producing machines by selective preferences. Exotic cows’ milk is valued only on the basis of how much fat, protein, etc can be derived out of it - means purely based on commercial viability & profitability. Indigenous cows produce milk under natural physiological mechanism and the factor of its economic viability has got the into its breeding comparatively recently. This is an imported concept for indian animal husbandry. We might have spoiled the original value indigenous cows used to offer in olden times. In short, exotic cows’ milk may be rich in concentration of commercially important componants. But this not prove that indegenous cows’ milk is inferior. Animal husbandry practices in India are centuries old and people consuming that milk were never inferior. Rich kmowledge of ancient India came from people consuming milk of indigenous cows. All discussion in my poinion shall be continued on Commercial Viability alone. Science is yet not capable of analysing nature’s mistries and hence putting one type of milk’s quality anove another is not a wise man’s gesture. Science can ONLY evaluate physico-chemical properties and nothing beyond.
Dr.deoyani nagrale
28 de octubre de 2017
sir,it is mean that indian cow milk better than exotic cow breed how sir please discuss.
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
29 de octubre de 2017
Dr.deoyani nagrale sir here not the question of which breed is ssuperior.depend on the genetic makeup,Agroclimatic conditions and natural resources every living being get some bad or good qualities.both Bos.indicus and Bos.taurus are evolved from Bos.primigenous.but they have their own characterstics.I am trying to prove scientifically therapeutic values of Indian cow mllk.I am requesting you all share your knowldge and help me in my research work.
Roger Hinge
28 de octubre de 2017
Shashi Taunk Sir, The more I research the benefits of cows producing pure A2 Milk (Gir Breed stands out) the more I find it is dependant on each cows being able to get the DNA nutriments it needs everyday. Being a Vet Doctor maybe you could advise if cows that produce A1 milk is actually a result of these cows not getting the nutriment needs their DNA requires every day? If A1 producing cows were allowed to freely select their total nutriment needs will they produce A2 milk - not A1 milk?
Jasmer Singh
29 de octubre de 2017
Dr Saibutacharao Mallapalli, Your research project appears unique, however, what is the difference between the following mentioned two groups. ....... the fourth group with curd made from milk of local Exotic cattle fed with specially formulated (herbal+ roughage+concentrate) diet; the sixth group with curd made from milk of local Exotic cattle fed with specially formulated (herbal+roughage+concentrate) diet..... How long the feeding of curd shall be continued as to be on the cure of diabetes and follow-up to see if it recurs after the cessation of curd feeding. Jasmer singh
Roger Hinge
29 de octubre de 2017
Jasmer Singh Shashi Taunk Sir, The more I research the benefits of cows producing pure A2 Milk (Gir Breed stands out) the more I find it is dependant on each cows being able to get the DNA nutriments it needs everyday. Being a Vet Doctor maybe you could advise if cows that produce A1 milk is actually a result of these cows not getting the nutriment needs their DNA requires every day? If A1 producing cows were given the nutriment their specific DNA needs everyday will they produce A2 milk also?
Jasmer Singh
29 de octubre de 2017
Hi Roger Hinge, Could you please expand a bit more on A1 and A2 milk and DNA Nutriment as I could not understand these innovative and abbreviated terms. jasmer singh
Roger Hinge
29 de octubre de 2017
Jasmer Singh Sir, A2 milk is cow's milk that mostly lacks a form of ß-casein proteins called A1 and instead has mostly the A2 form. Wikipedia People claim they feel better when they drink A2 milk and so it was traced and found some cows produce A2 milk while others produce A1. I have been able to feed cows high grain diets and produce Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio's of 1 to 1. Normally high grain diets see Omega 6 as high as 20. All the research indicates when Omega 6 (n-6) is above 4 all the benefits available from Omega 3 (n-3) are cancelled out. Is this likened to A1 milk. Not having studied the B-Casein I am wondering if the lower ratio of less than 4 - Omega 6 influences the difference that is claimed A2 milk has - as the benefits are similar to the higher ratio of Omega 3 has. Re - DNA (genetic) needs. All animals can produce the ideal ratio of n-3 to n-6 when their DNA nutriment need is readily available, everyday...
Jasmer Singh
29 de octubre de 2017
Roger Hinge Thanks.. jasmer
Vivek Shah
30 de octubre de 2017
Roger Hinge can you please share your email. Id.
Roger Hinge
1 de noviembre de 2017
Vivek Shah I would be happy to share my experiences with you. E:roger@supermaxxonline.com
Dr.deoyani nagrale
30 de octubre de 2017
can cure dibetes by feeding indigenous cow milk.
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
30 de octubre de 2017
Dr.deoyani nagrale Need lot of research to answer your question but preliminary results supporting my statement.
Jasmer Singh
30 de octubre de 2017
Hi SM and RH, Pl let me know the difference between Groups IV and VI for your expression of results. Moreover, how long the 'curd' will be given and parameters to be observed during this period. As you say preliminary studies show good results, could you please make your studies available? Jasmer singh
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
31 de octubre de 2017
Jasmer Singh No Please
Dr.deoyani nagrale
31 de octubre de 2017
sir,I have interest in your topic but I am working as livestock development officer still I want to help you in your reasearch because I am interested in research only.
Saibutcharao Mallampalli
31 de octubre de 2017
Dr.deoyani nagrale Thanks a lot Surely I will take your help. Where are you from
Dr.deoyani nagrale
31 de octubre de 2017
my opinion that you go through lactose analyasis of a cow may be we got somthing essential component which is responsible for cure dibeties in human.
Dr.deoyani nagrale
31 de octubre de 2017
sir I am from Maharashtra working as a woman livestock development officer in nagbhid taluka mini veterinary polyclnic chandrapur Maharashtra.My M.V.SC ln livestock(milk and meat) product technology from MAFSU ,nagpur .since from five year I am searching that how I work as a reasearcher.So,thanks sir.
Dr.deoyani nagrale
31 de octubre de 2017
hi,jasmer singh sir ,can you disscus about lactose in milk.Lactose may be helpful for cure dibetes in human may be my opinion sir.
Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan
1 de noviembre de 2017
It is clear that all these assumptions are based on religious back up and then it is being tried to prove the superiority of indigenous cows which means indigenous cows either born in Indian sub continent. What about the quality of indigenous milk in East Africa or Latin america. Will the milk from both indignious cows from Indian origin and Latin america will be the same??????. If answer is NO then it is mythology specific to India or Indian sub continent only
Dr.deoyani nagrale
1 de noviembre de 2017
sir,we like to discuss therapeutic milk.My opinion that indian cows are better quality of milk from ancient. It is not necessary that why indian cow.it is miracle from ancient indian cow breeds are good.so,it is hope that may be one of the component of milk cure dibetes. in human. it takes lots of research.
Jasmer Singh
1 de noviembre de 2017
Hi SM and others, Did you see any difference between your Group IV and VI to start with? Now coming to the constituents of 'Desi cow" milk.. “only desi Indian cow milk contains 24 essential elements – notable among those are copper and gold (Aurum Hydra oxide) which provide energy & immunity power, highly antibiotics & ant... I think it would be better if you can just see the compositions of other breeds, not only 'Desi' but others and also if possible, other species of lactating animals. Furthermore, better if u see the mother's not "Cow Mother" but human species for comparison, before investing lot of time and of course money. Jasmer
Shashi Taunk
2 de noviembre de 2017
Roger Hinge Dear Sir, May be yes, provided the natural pastures and fodder sources are made available to them. Humans have almost eleminated these sources of food for animals. Capability of genes to show up is always there and proper natural brreding of genetically competant animals would perhaps make it possible. Well directed, unbiased and detailed research project to cover enough number of samples( generations as well) would ne the key.
Roger Hinge
3 de noviembre de 2017
Shashi Taunk Sir, The info you need to convince you is available within 90 days of studying any breed of cow if you accept how intelligent all cows are using an exact science. Offering any cow a free choice selection of 3 specific formulae while feeding the cow any sources of good DE & GE (energies) feeds and water. If the feed and water sources lack sufficient DE & GE, managing those sources to improve the availability of DE & GE will provide the answers scientifically and more simply, by the taste and digestive comfort of yours or any human being.
Jasmer Singh
30 de noviembre de 2017
Hi SM, I have not yet got any reply on your group iv and vi in your original protocol. Anyway, India is full of " Miracles" and the authors of such opinions/theories/philosphies and may be many more ! However, 'science is pursuit of truth' someone said long time ago. But there is no harm in testing some somnambulant thoughts.Pl excuse me! Jasmer
Roger Hinge
30 de noviembre de 2017
Jasmer Singh I am currently involved in researching both a1/a2 and a2 milk in treating diabetes. Should have some answers soon. Can inform a1/a2 milk there is weight gain - with "PURE" a2 milk reduces weight.
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