Not necessary high milk production needs to be related to lower fertility under heat stress conditions
Published:April 24, 2020
Achieving high conception rate is one of the conditions for achieving efficient production of milk at farm level. For many years the Israeli dairy industry suffered, like other farms in warm countries, a significant decline in the ability to pregnant the cows during summer months, causing reduction in the efficiency of milk production and seasonality in milk supply to the industry and market. Un...
Dear, it was wonderfull article for us who always believe that pregnancy is inversely proportional to production, but this article changes my concept to think more forward. Could you explain that in this research other factor than cooling which may also contributing in these result like in top group may b they are feeding well ballanced diet proper ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acid saturated and unsaturated fatty acid supplementation. Supplementation of organic chelated trace minerals. Toxin level of feed . MUN in both group also starch to metabolizeable protein ration in both groups.
waqas ahmad Dear Sir Thanks for your comments I do not enter into other factors out of the cooling process, which is the field of my expertise. I leave the others to other experts in case they are interested in contributing to this discussion.
Nice information....heat stress in summer is mostly a reduction in feed intake to improve feed intake and rumen function... big challenge for fertility milk protein SCC and BCS.
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