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Phytogenic Solution to improve fiber digestion and modulation of rumen microflora

Published: April 8, 2019
By: Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey, PhD (VPT), Dr Praful Kumar
“Digestive disorders in cattle directly affect the economics of dairy farm”
Phytogenic Solution to improve fiber digestion and modulation of rumen microflora - Image 1Ruminants occupy an important niche in modern agriculture because of their unique ability to digest fibres or roughage efficiently. Rumen ecology play a vital role in the digestion, absorption and assimilation of ingesta in ruminants. Digestive disorders in cattle directly affect the economics of dairy farm due to impact on production. In nature when these animals were had digestive disorders, they tried to graze upon many herbs which in turn modulated their rumen to optimum. In nature many herbs like Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma longa, Zingiber officinale, Allium sativum, found which are known to improve microbial population in rumen. These microbial population in turn improve fibre digestion. These plants having actions like digestive tonic, carminative, antioxidant, stomachic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective etc.
Herbal digestive tonic and appetizer (Ruchamax) is scientifically proven to maintain a balance between beneficial bacteria and pathogens for intestinal and general health. It also facilitates optimal absorption and utilization of nutrients and thus improves feed conversion ratio, productivity and weight gain. Ruchamax consists of combination of many such synergistic herbs with standardized phytochemicals which works as digestive tonic, carminative and rumen microflora booster. Ruchamax is known to improve.
  • Salivary secretions ensuring optimum ruminal pH for the growth & survival of microflora leading to better digestion.
  • Promotes digestion of Non-Starch Polysaccharides (NSP) through improved fermentation
A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Ruchamax in the college of Veterinary Sciences, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
Plan of research:
For that, twenty animals suffering from ruminal disorders like simple indigestion, ruminal Acidosis and post-parturient indigestion were divided into two groups of ten animals each.
Group- T1: positive control treated with Magnesium sulphate as rumenotoric @ 100g/day/animal for 3 days, group-T2: treated with product Ruchamax @ 15 g/day/animal bid orally for 5 days, The efficacy was evaluated on the basis of Rumen fluid parameters, clinical signs at day 0 before treatment and 1, 3, 5 and 7 day post-treatment.
Result and Discussion:
Phytogenic Solution to improve fiber digestion and modulation of rumen microflora - Image 2
The parameters like ruminal fluid, along with pH, MBRT and protozoal concentration showed gradual improvement towards normalcy in both the treated group. The changes were more significant and were recorded as early as 3rd day post treatment in Ruchamax treated group. At third day, the average MBRT of T1 group is 15.0 where as in Ruchamax group is 8.40. The methylene blue reduction time is an indirect measure of the redox potential and bacterial activity of rumen fluid. The decrease MBRT level shows the increased microbial activity of rumen thus improving fibre digestion in ruminants.
Ruchamax supplementation improves the microbial activity, pH and other parameters and showed its effectiveness in restoring normal rumen function at the earliest. It is a noble way to correct indigestion and GIT problems in ruminant and nevertheless to improve productivity.
For more information, please visit our website www.ayurvet.com or write to us on techsupport@ayurvet.com 
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Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey
Ayurvet Ltd.
Praful Kumar
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