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The genus Artemia Leach, 1819 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda). I. True and false taxonomical descriptions

Published: November 27, 2012
By: Alireza Asem (Protectors of Urmia Lake National Park Society (NGO), Urmia, Iran), Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Razi University, 67149 Kermanshah, Iran) & Patricio De Los Ríos-Escalante(Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de Temuco Casilla 15-D, Temuco, Chile)
The brine shrimp Artemia is important for aquaculture since it is bighly nutritious. It is also used widely in biological studies because it is easy to culture. The aim of the present study is to review the literature on the taxonomical nomenclature of Artemia. The present study indicates the existence of seven species: three living in the Americas, one in Europe, and three in Asia.
Keywords: Artemia, saline lakes, morphology, species, taxonomy.
The brine shrimp Artemia is one of the most important aquatic animals used in aquaculture industry. It was first reported from Urmia Lake in 982 by an unknown Iranian geographer (Asem, 2008), and then in 1756 Schlösser pictured both sexes clearly. Linnaeus (1758) described it as Cáncer salinus but 61 years later, Leach (1819) transferred it to Artemia salina.
The taxonomic status of the genus Artemia is as follows (Martín & Davis, 2001):
  Subphylum: Crustacea Brünnich, 1772
  Class: Branchiopoda Latreille, 1817
  Subclass: Sarsostraca Tasch, 1969
  Order: Anostraca Sars, 1867
  Family: Artemiidae Grochowski, 1896
  Genus: Artemia Leach, 1819
  - A. salina (Linnaeus, 1758): Mediterranean area
  - A. monica Verrill, 1869: USA (Mono Lake; California)
  - A. urmiana Günther, 1899: Iran (Urmia Lake; West Azerbaijan Province)
  - A. franciscana Kellogg, 1906: America, Caribbean and Pacific islands
  - A. persimilis Piccinelli & Prosdocimi, 1968: South America
  - A. sinica Cai, 1989: Central and Eastern Asia
  - A. tibetiana Abatzopoulos, Zhang & Sorgeloos, 1998: China (Tibet)
  - Artemia sp. Pilla & Beardmore, 1994: Kazakhstan
  - Parthenogenetic population(s) of Artemia: Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia
Taxonomists are still confused about the systematic and phylogenetic relationships of the Artemia species (Triantaphyllidis et al, 1997) and there are different opinions about its biosystematics. For example, there are two views for A. franciscana and A. monica. Artemia monica, from Mono Lake, cannot be crossed with A. franciscanabecause of the inability of the two species to tolérate the same water ionic composition (Mono Lake has a mix of Cl-, SO42- and CO3- ions). A. monica is therefore thought to be effectively debarred from exchanging gene withA. franciscana so these two species are known as two different "biological species" (Clark & Bowen, 1976). According to others (Abreu-Grobois & Beardmore, 1982; Triantaphyllidis et al, 1998), A. monica may be ecologically separated from A. franciscana, but the genetic distance between these two taxa is less than the distance between other Artemia taxa; therefore they can be described as sibling species. Furthermore, there are no taxonomic identification keys for the genus due to a lack of reliable morphological characters, so different methods have been used for species characterization. The most relevant methods are comparison of biometric characteristics, electro-phoretic patterns of different allozymes, cross-fertility tests and microscopic survey of the morphology such as frontal knob and gonopod (Abreu-Grobois & Beardmore, 1982; Mura, 1990; Hontoria & Amat, 1992; Triantaphyllidis et al, 1997; De los Ríos & Zúñiga, 2000; Torrentera & Belk, 2002; De los Ríos & Asem, 2008).
Seeing that Artemia was an economically important species this has led to a decline of basic studies on this taxon, with wide use of 'Artemia salina" as a trade ñame. There are numerous published data on biochemical, mutational, toxicological and others aspects of Artemia, all using the ñame Artemia salina for any population in this genus (Abreu-Grobois & Beardmore, 1982; Gajardo et al, 2002). As a result, the brine shrimp Artemia is used in many aquaculture studies and for experimental models but its basic taxonomy is not considered by many authors resulting in taxonomical confusión (Table 1), with the mistakes and respective corrections about systematic nomenclature.
Dr. D. Christopher Rogers (EcoAnalysts Inc, California, U.S.A.) is thanked for the scientific comments and English text.
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Cai, Y. 1989. New Artemia sibling species from PR China. Artemia Newslett, 11: 40-41. [ Links ]
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De los Ríos, P. & A. Asem. 2008. The comparison of diameter of the frontal knobs in Artemia urmiana Günther, 1899 (Anostraca): possible similarities with new world populations. Crustaceana, 81: 1281-1228. [ Links ]
De los Ríos, P. & O. Zúñiga. 2000. Comparación biométrica del lóbulo frontal en poblaciones de Artemia(Anostraca, Artemiidae). Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat, 73:31-38. [ Links ]
Gajardo, G., TJ. Abatzopoulos, I. Kappas & J.A. Beardmore. 2002. Evolution and speciation. In: TJ. Abatzopoulos, J.A. Beardmore, J.S. Clegg & P. Sorgeloos (eds.). Artemia basic and applied biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 225-250. [ Links ]
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Hontoria, F. & F. Amat. 1992. Morphological characterization of adult Artemia (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) from different geographical origins. Mediterranean population, J. Plankton Res., 14: 949-956. [ Links ]
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Torrentera, L. & D. Belk. 2002. New penis characters to distinguish between two American Anemia species. Hydrobiologia, 470: 149-156. [ Links ]
Triantaphyllidis, G., G.R. Criel, T J. Abatzopoulos, K.M. Thomas, J. Peleman, J.A. Beardmore & P. Sorgeloos. 1997. International study on Anemia: 57. Morphological and molecular characters suggest conspecificity of all bisexual European and North African Anemia populations. Mar. Biol., 129: 477-487. [ Links ]
Triantaphyllidis, G.V., TJ. Abatzopoulos & P. Sorgeloos. 1998. Review of the biogeography of the genus Anemia(Crustacea, Anostraca). J. Biogeogr., 25: 213-226. [ Links ]
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Alireza Asem
Ricardo Cattan
23 de febrero de 2013

Dear Mr. Alireza, 

Interesting article about genus Artemia Leach.
Please comment to my mail that can cause problems in South America. Please see the links:
. - Http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=RgL9crUnDCE
1. - Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrULt_5uQtA
2. - Http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=FvJSnDF46-Q
3. - Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrULt_5uQtA
4. - Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgL9crUnDCE&feature=youtu.be
In addition:

Utah Salt Lake Pollution


The economic impact of EMS 80% and 90% of the lakes are dry in eastern Thailand (Early
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20 de diciembre de 2012

Dear Mr. Alireza,
Very good research about genus Artemia Leach, I hope the best for you.
Waiting to see more articls from you.

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