FishForm Plus® – the solution for improved fishmeal quality through prolonged freshness of trash fish
Published:December 15, 2009
By:Dr. Kai Kühlmann
Fishform Plus - a liquid blend of potassium diformate, antioxidant and corrosion inhibitor - and promoted to prolong freshness of trawled trash fish caught for fishmeal production, has been tested in a large scale experiment by ADDCON experts onboard during 10 days trawl operation in the Gulf of Thailand in July 2009 (Figure 1). The catch consisted mainly of pelagic and benthic species, such as anchovies (Stolephorus sp.), croakers (Pennahia sp.), scads (Seraloides sp.) and pony fishes (Secutor sp.)
FishForm Plus has been applied at a 1 % concentration with 10 % crushed ice (Figure 2). Results show significant (P < 0.05) freshness prolongation of trash fish prior to fishmeal production obtaining a total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) of 93.24 mg 100g‑1 from raw fish treated with Fishform Plus and processed into fishmeal of 216.25 mg 100g-1 compared to 142,90 mg 100g-1 and 345,97 mg 100g-1 of raw fish and fishmeal not Fishform Plus treated, respectively. Dry matter content ranged 4 to 6 % significantly higher for FishForm Plus treated raw fish and processed fishmeal compared to untreated samples, thus, indicating higher yields of fishmeal additionally to better fishmeal quality. Further, trash fish treated with Fishform Plus did not effuse the strong warm-sweet smell as untreated trash fish. Thus, handling of Fishform Plus treated trash fish onboard and its processing at the fishmeal factory is strongly alleviated. Fishform Plus treated trash fish stayed better in shape (Figure 3a) compared to untreated fish after the 10 days trawl operation (Figure 3b). Both observations indicate the advantages in applying of Fishform Plus to respective trash fish.
As fish decomposes a lot faster under tropical compared to moderate climate conditions, applying Fishform Plus contributes to prolong freshness of marine catches as well as increases processed fishmeal quality (Figure 4).
In Summary - applying Fishform Plus to trash fish will result in:
- Significant freshness prolongation of trash fish