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Different Salinities Effect on Biometry of Nauplii and Meta-Nauplii of Two Artemia (Crustacea; Anostraca) Populations from Urmia Lake Basin

Published: November 30, 2012
By: Alireza Asem and Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani
The brine shrimp Artemia is a small crustacean that can be found in saline waters in all over the world in natural habitats or commercial farms. The brine shrimp is a unique aquatic animal which is used in aquaculture systems (Bengtson & Sorgeloos, 1991). The Urmia Lake is one of the largest hyper-saline lakes in the world with a total surface area between 4750 km2 and 6100 km2 (Azari Takami, 1987; Eimanifar & Mohebbi, 2007); this range depends on different seasonal conditions during the year round. The Urmia Lake and its temporary lagoons are territory of three main populations of Artemia: Artemia urmiana and the two parthenogenetic populations: one of which is occurs in the Urmia Lake and the other in the surrounding lagoons (Abatzopoulos et al., 2006).
Two samples cysts of Artemia urmiana and the parthenogenetic Artemia populations were used for this survey. The cyst of A. urmiana was harvested from its natural habitat (the Urmia Lake in 2001) and the parthenogenetic populations cyst had been cultured in industrial lagoons from Fesendooz region, near Miandoab city, in southeast of the Urmia Lake. Cysts batch were hatched in three different salinities (25 ppt, 35 ppt and 45 ppt). After 24h and 48h, 80 nauplii and 80 meta-nauplii were harvested and measured. For statistical analysis, the ANOVA (Tukey test), Ttest were used via SPPS 11.5.
All biometrical results are summarized in Table 1. These results show that:
1. In each population different salinities cause biometrical variation (p<0.05).
2. In A. urmiana the largest biometry of nauplii and meta-nauplii belong to treatment of 25 ppt and the smallest to 45 ppt. The 35 ppt doesn't show significant difference in comparison with other treatments.
3. In the commercial parthenogenetic population, the largest biometry of nauplii was obtained in 25 and 45 ppt and the smallest was belonging to 35 ppt. As well, the largest meta-nauplii were harvested in 25 and 35 ppt and the smallest size in 45 ppt.
In addition biometrical comparisons of larvae prove high significant difference between the two different populations: A. urmiana and the parthenogenetic population (p<0.000). It means that the larvae of the parthenogenetic population are smaller than those of A. urmiana. Generally the largest biometry of larvae in A. urmiana and the parthenogenetic population was found in 25 ppt. Also, the smallest nauplii and meta-nauplii were dependent on 35 and 45 ppt respectively.
The nauplii and meta-nauplii are undoubtedly the most widely used from adult Artemia in aquaculture (Dhont & Sorgeloos, 2002), As well, the size of the Artemia larvae is one of the most important characters in aquaculture when it is used as live food or bioencapsulation; specially if it used in the early life cycle of aquatic animals. The biometry of nauplii often does not pose a problem to its using by the crustacean larvae. On the other hand, for the fish larvae, especially marine fish this character is essential for feeding because the marine fish larvae have a very small mouth hence the size of the nauplii could be particularly critical (Bengtson & Sorgeloos, 1991). For at least one species, the marine silverside Menidia menidia, there is a high relationship between larval fish mortality during the first five days of its life cycle and the nauplii length of Artemia which their cysts harvested from seven geographical sources. According to this study when the largest strains of Artemia used (nauplii with 520 μm size), up to 50% of the fish could not ingest their prey and starved to death whereas feeding of small Artemia (430 μm) resulted in only 10% mortality (Beck & Bengtson, 1982). Therefore, irrespective of the nutrition value of the larvae, the smallest size of nauplii or meta-nauplii is an important character for increasing the quality of the larvae. In conclusion, salinity is a very momentous factor to consider biological characters of Artemia. Different salinities can influence the hatching percent (Shams Lahijani et al., 2002) and growth rate of Artemia during its life cycle (Triantaphyllidis et al., 1995; El-Bermawi et al., 2004; Abatzopoulos et al., 2006b). Moreover, the above-mentioned facts are confirmed by the results of present study because meta-nauplii of each population showing size variety in different salinity treatments (Tab.1). This is indicative of the influence of different concentrations on growth of Artemia. The biometry of Artemia nauplii (Instar 1) in the two populations show statistical differences when their cyst hatched in disparate salinities. Nowadays, biometry of nauplii is used in addition to the other biometrical tools for taxonomical studies on Artemia (Abatzopoulos et al., 2006a,b; Castro et al., 2006). So, the biometrical differentiation of nauplii in different salinities can be used as an additional character in demographics and taxonomical researches on Artemia.
Table 1: Biometry of nauplii and meta-nauplii in Artemia urmiana and the commercial parthenogenetic population (all values in mm).
Different Salinities Effect on Biometry of Nauplii and Meta-Nauplii of Two Artemia (Crustacea; Anostraca) Populations from Urmia Lake Basin - Image 1
As well, the size of nauplii shows a wide variation among different species as well as different strains belonging to same species in Artemia (Vanhaecke & Sorgeloos, 1980). According to some studies, there are statistical variations on biometry of nauplii of Artemia in different sites from the same geographical location such as Urmia Lake (Abatzopoulos et al., 2006a,b). Although biometrical variation in the Artemia nauplii has already been reported but this is the first report that elucidates the effect of salinity on the nauplii size. According to aquaculture concepts, the size of nauplii is prominent to use of Artemia as live food. However, there is only one optimum salinity to obtain high hatching percent, and the other salinities decrease its percentage. But if the nauplii size of Artemia harvested in optimal salinity not being suitable for live food, therefore it is desirable to use a different salinity to harvest nauplii with small size for feeding provided that the decreasing of hatch percentage having economical explanation. In short, it is concluded that the different salinities can affect the growth of Artemia embryos during the hatching period to cyst and into the nauplii (Instar 1) stage.
This study was carried out in the Iranian Artemia Research Center (I.A.R.C). We are grateful to Latif Esmaeili (the previous headmaster of I.A.R.C), Reza Ahmadi and Siyavash Ganji for administrative and laboratory helping.
Abatzopoulos T.J, Agh N, Van Stappen G, Razavi Rouhani S.M, Sorgeloos P, 2006a. Artemia sites in Iran. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 86, 299-307.
Abatzopoulos T.J. Baxevanis A.D. Triantaphyllidis G.V. Criel G. Pador E.L. Van Stappen G, Sorgeloos P, 2006b. Quality evaluation of Artemia urmiana Günther (Urmia Lake, Iran) with special emphasis on its particular cyst characteristics (International Study on Artemia LXIX). Aquaculture. 254, 442- 454.
Azari Takami G, 1987.The use of Artemia from Ormia Lake (Iran) as food for sturgeon In: Sorgeloos P, Bengston D. A, Decleir W, Jaspers E, eds. Artemia research and its application Ecology, Culturing, Use in aquaculture (Vol. 3), Universa press, Wettern, Belgium: 467–468.
Beck A.D, Bengtson D.A, 1982. Study on Artemia XXII. Nutrition in Aquatic toxicology - diet quality of geographical strains of Artemia. In: Pearson J.G, Foster R.B, Bishop W.E, eds. Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment, Amer. Soc. Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, USA: 161-169.
Bengtson D.A, Léger P, Sorgeloos P, 1991. Use of Artemia as a food source for aquaculture. In: Browne R.A, Sorgeloos P, Trotman C.N.A, eds, Artemia Biology, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA: 225-285.
Castro T.B, Gajardo G, Castro J.M, Castro G.M, 2006. A biometric and ecologic comparison between Artemia from Mexico and Chile. Saline Systems, 2, 13.
Dhont J, Sorgeloos P, 2002. Applications of Artemia. In: Abatzopoulos T. J, Beardmore J. A, Clegg J. S, Sorgeloos P, eds, Artemia basic and applied biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht: 251-277.
Eimanifar A, Mohebbi F, 2007. Urmia Lake (Northwest Iran): a brief review. Saline Systems. 3, 5.
El-Bermawi N, Baxevanis A.D, Abatzopoulos T.J, Van Stappen G, Sorgeloos P, 2004. Salinity effects on survival, growth and morphometry of four Egyptian Artemia populations (International Study on Artemia. LXVII). Hydrobiologia. 523, 175–188.
Shams Lahijani M, Agh N, Fotoohi O, 2002. Effect of different salinities on the hatching effecting of Artemia urmiana. Pajouhesh & Sazandegi. 54, 69-71.
Triantaphyllidis G.V, Poulopoulou K, Abatzopoulos T.J, Pinto Pérez C.A, Sorgeloos P, 1995. International study on Artemia XLIX. Salinity effects on survival, maturity, growth, biometrics, reproductive and lifespan characteristics of a bisexual and a parthenogenetic population of Artemia. Hydrobiologia. 302, 215–227.
Vanhaecke, P. and P. Sorgeloos. 1980. International study on Artemia IV, The Biometrics of Artemia strains from different geographical origin. In: Persoone G, Sorgeloos P, Roels O, Jaspers E, eds, The brine shrimp Artemia (Vol. 3), Universa press, Wettern, Belgium: 393-405.
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Alireza Asem
Ricardo Cattan
15 de abril de 2013

April 15, 2013
United States—Arizona/Missouri
EMS Transmitted by Live and Fresh Shrimp

Steven Hedlund, Communications Manager at the Global Aquaculture Alliance, reports: “Attached is a statement from the Global Aquaculture Alliance clarifying recent claims regarding early mortality syndrome in shrimp. Specifically, Dr. Donald Lightner clarifies his recommendations at a recent aquaculture meeting in Ecuador that were misinterpreted in subsequent reports.”

“The Global Aquaculture Alliance is committed to science-based responses that guide the aquaculture industry toward a sustainable future.”

GAA Clarifies Recent Statements Regarding EMS
“The outbreak of early mortality syndrome (EMS), also known as acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHNS), in Asian shrimp has led to questions about whether trade in certain products represents a biosecurity risk to producers in the Western Hemisphere. While there is an urgent need to prevent EMS from spreading, it would be counterproductive to block trade in items that present low risk.”
“To clarify this issue, the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) turned to Dr. Donald Lightner, a leading shrimp pathologist who led a Responsible Aquaculture Foundation/World Bank mission on EMS to Vietnam last July and whose laboratory in Arizona, USA, recently confirmed that EMS is caused by a pathogen.”
“Lightner clarified that his recommendations at a recent aquaculture meeting in Ecuador were somewhat exaggerated in subsequent reports. According to Lightner, ‘I did recommend that no live [emphasis by Shrimp News] shrimp from Southeast Asian countries be imported for any purpose to any site in Latin America until there is a suitable test (e.g. PCR) to distinguish those that carry EMS from those that do not. For frozen products, all I can say is that my lab tried unsuccessfully for one year to induce EMS, results that suggest that the agent of EMS does not survive freezing and thawing. We used live and/or fresh material in Vietnam to successfully transmit the disease [emphasis by Shrimp News].’”
“Regarding feeds, Lightner said, ‘...Artemia, feeds and feed ingredients are at the bottom of the list of risks as these products pose virtually no risk to the importing country.’”

Sources: 1. Email to Shrimp News International from Steven Hedlund. Subject: GAA Clarifies Statements Regarding EMS. April 15, 2013. 2. News Release. Global Aquaculture Alliance. GAA Clarifies Recent Statements Regarding EMS. April 15, 2013.

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