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Good brooding conditions for the best starting of the chicks

Published: August 29, 2006
By: Hendrix Genetics

Good brooding conditions for the best starting of the chicks - Image 1

The period from one day old to the point of first egg production is a critical time in the life of the laying hen. It is during this time that the physiological capability of the hen is developed.

Success in the rearing period leads to the success in the laying house and start from chick arrival. All the standards and programs set forth in this section have been proven to give excellent performances in production.

Any delay in growth at 4-5 weeks will be reflected in a reduction in bodyweight at 16 weeks and then in performance, particularly in mean egg weight in temperate climates or a delay in start of lay in hot climates near the Equator.

Equipment and environment

Good brooding conditions for the best starting of the chicks - Image 2
(1): Place one additional drinker per cage for the first week
(2): Make sure that all the birds have at least an access to 2 nipples
(3): Spread sheets of paper over the cage bottom to last for 7 days, remove one sheet every day

- The removal of the supplementary starter drinkers should be done gradually, making sure that the chicks have acquired the habit of using the other drinkers.
- It is useful to monitor water consumption. To maintain litter quality, it is necessary to avoid water spillage, by carefully regulating the drinkers or the nipples.
- The drinkers should be cleaned daily for the first 2 weeks. From the third week they should be cleaned each week.

Standard of temperature and humidity

In order to ensure that the equipment and the litter are warm at chick arrival, it is advised to raise house temperature at least 36 hours at 28 to 31°C.

Good brooding conditions for the best starting of the chicks - Image 3

- The heat losses incurred from contact with the litter are very important during the first days.
- 2 gas brooders or 2 radiant heaters of 1450 Kcal is advised for 1000 birds.
- Temperature and relative humidity should be uniform throughout the building.

Distribution of chicks as the best indicator:
- On floor system, the distribution of chicks in each pen or throughout the building will help you to manage the adapted temperature of the house.
- If the chicks crowd together under the brooder �� temperature is too low.
- If the chicks are close to the surround �� the temperature is too high.

Lighting programme to encourage feed intake and growth

Good brooding conditions for the best starting of the chicks - Image 4

During the first few days, it is important to maintain the chicks under a maximum light regime (22 to 23 hours) with a quite high intensity (30-40 lux) to encourage intake of water and feed.

Afterwards, the light intensity should be gradually reduced to reach a level of about 10 lux at 15 days of age in dark houses. Light intensity will depend also on bird behaviour.

Feeding programme to encourage growth

During this period from day old to 5 weeks old, the bird is not able to adapt its feed consumption to energy level. To encourage good growth, we recommend using a diet presented in crumb form, with an adequate concentration of protein and energy from 0 to 28 days in temperate climates and from 0 to 35 days in hot climates (in both conditions till a bodyweight of 290 g is reached).

Below some key-points to provide day old chicks with a good start.

Others key points:
- Flush the water lines prior to arrival, and make sure that no desinfectant is left in the water lines when the chicks arrive.
- Make sure that the nipples and round drinkers are on the correct height, nipples on eye level of the chicks, and round drinkers on the floor.
- Put paper under the nipples to attract the chicks & extra feed over the chick paper or paper trays.
- Check the nipples / round drinkers whether the water supply is sufficient. When nipples are used the chicks must see the water drop on the nipple.
- The feed should be distributed when the chicks have drunk enough water to restore their body fluid (about 4 hours after being placed in the brooding quarters).

All these recommendations will help to:
- Get a good start a low mortality level during the first 2 weeks
- A good frame and immune system
- A good uniformity from the beginning

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Hendrix Genetics
Hendrix Genetics
Rashid Shaukat
23 de junio de 2008
This article is very useful for broiler and breeder growers.
Uday Patil
11 de noviembre de 2006
Dear Robert Huggins Consultant/Agenviro Services, Ltd. Alberta - Canada Thanks for the reply. I am using floor brooding. The temp. in the table particularly column 2 and 3 are confusing. Please guide me. Uday
Robert Huggins
Robert Huggins
3 de noviembre de 2006
Hi Uday, Are you using floor brooding or cage brooding? This can determine the temperatures that you use. Robert
Uday Patil
29 de octubre de 2006
Dear Sirs, Did not gt th real temperature as in the table there are three temperature range. One at the brooder two at 2-3 m away from the brooder and three the room temprature. How can I manage room temperature greater than the temperature at the edge of brooder? Somewhat confusing? Please explain me in detail. With Regards, Uday
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