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ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd

Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters.

Published: October 6, 2021
By: ABTL Enzymes. Contact:Sumit Sipany
Protein is a major component of animal tissues and products. Thus, adequate intake of dietary protein is essential to optimise growth, production performance, and feed efficiency in poultry. Soybean meal is most commonly used protein source and used around 20-30 % in poultry feed. Now days protein feed ingredients like soybean meal are consistently increasing in cost; so protein has become one of the most expensive nutrients in poultry diet. After feed consumed by birds, the proteins in feed ingredients are hydrolyzed into small peptides and free amino acids in the gastrointestinal tract of birds, which consume energy. To save this energy, importance of hydrolyzed protein or bioactive peptides in poultry nutrition has been increased. Bioactive protein peptides are produced through the process of enzymatic hydrolysis that generates smaller amino acids chains. Interest in bioactive peptides supplementation in poultry diets has increased over the past decade. Bioactive peptides can be produced from a variety of food ingredients (of animal or plant origin) by microbial fermentation, enzymatic, alkali or acid hydrolysis. Bioactive peptides which are produced during protein hydrolysis can deliver better functional properties such as anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory. Supplementation of such hydrolyzed bioactive peptides in poultry diet results in the improvement of intestinal health, growth and production performance.
What are hydrolyzed proteins or bioactive peptides? Hydrolyzed proteins are derived from the chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins into its biologically active components like, amino acids and peptides. Bioactive peptides usually contain between 3 to 20 amino acids residues and remain inactive while the sequences are kept within the parent protein.
Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters. - Image 1
-Bioactive peptides derived from enzymatic fermentation have less hyper allergic and anti-nutritional factors as compared to other protein ingredients.
-Bioactive peptides have shown significant increased in the number and size of villi of gut, which facilitates more surface area available for nutrient absorption.
-Few hydrolyzed proteins are having anti-hypertensive effect. Anti-hypertensive peptides functioned by blocking angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) which modulates the rennin angiotensin system thereby regulating blood pressure.
-Bioactive peptides shown antioxidant and anti- Inflammatory effect by inhibiting nuclear factors –kappa B and blocking the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in an oxidative-stress.
-Some bioactive peptides shown antibacterial effect by damaging cell membrane of bacteria, interfering with the functions of their intracellular protein inducing the aggregation of cytoplasm protein and affecting metabolism of bacteria.
-Immunomodulatory bioactive peptides increases the immunity by boosting immune cells functions i.e. natural killer cell activity or cytokine regulation.
-High quality protein helps to moulted birds back to laying eggs quickly. Hydrolyzed proteins are one of the high quality protein which supports smooth and quick laying in moulting birds.
-In summer feed formulators are reducing crude protein % in poultry diet with extra supplementation of amino acids to minimize negative impact of heat stress due to high heat increment effect of protein. To overcome productive losses easily digestible hydrolyzed proteins can be added in poultry diet.
About BPPS Forte:
-BPPS Forte is a poly-nutritional feed supplement produced by hydrolysis of proteins (soybean meal) at specific locations with the help of microbial enzymes into bioactive peptide fragments which can be effectively utilized.
-BPPS Forte possesses higher bioavailability leading to rapid absorption in the bird's digestive system thereby bringing wide range of physiological functions & elicit performance significantly.
Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters. - Image 2
Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters. - Image 3
Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters. - Image 4
Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters. - Image 5
Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters. - Image 6
Supplementation of BPPS Forte in broiler diet improved the growth performance i.e. body weight gain and FCR. BPPS Forte supplementation in layer diet improved body weight gain in pullet birds and reduced total number of pullet eggs and thus helped in improving egg production parameters.
Supplementation of BPPS Forte in broiler and layer diets helped to increase profitability by improving production performance.
Use of hydrolyzed bioactive protein peptides in poultry feed to improve production parameters. - Image 1
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Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
22 de julio de 2022
The Importance of Early Chick Nutrition. Key Facts :- 1. After hatch, chicks have an anatomically complete but physiologically weal GIT resulting in inefficient feed utilization and an unstable microflora. 2. The post-hatch period is critical in bird life because the digestive system is activating itself which hampers the digestion & absorption of nutrients. 3. Early chick feeding with highly digestible proteins/peptides is known to have a positive correlation in achieving higher body weight in the initial weeks, leading to a carryover effect at the time of slaughter. Introducing BPPS FORTE - Fortified Bioactive Peptides for Optimal Amino Utilization. . Bioactive Protein Peptide System (BPPS Forte) comprises of polypeptides produced by fermentation technology involving selective hydrolysis of proteins at specific locations with the help of microbial enzymes. . Bioactive peptides possess higher bioavailability leading to rapid absorption in the bird's system thereby bringing wide range of physiological functions. Benefits of BPPS Forte :- 1. Fulfills the nutritional gap. 2. improves BWG & FCR in broilers. 3. Improves egg production parameters in layers. 4. Improves fertility & hatchability in breeders. 5. Improves immunity.
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