Field trial results in broilers
Published: September 30, 2021
By: Biomatrix International
Biolex™ in Broilers
Biolex™ Increased Gain at 42 days
- Research Trial with Cobb 500 chicks.
- Birds raised on used litter in floor pens.
- Linear effect of Biolex™ on Performance.
- Increased Gain and BW at 42 days.
- Improved FCR from 0 to 42 days.
Biolex™ Mode Action in Broilers
Biolex™ Improved Intestinal Absorptive Capacity and Development Increased villus to crypt ratio at 3 weeks.
- Increased villus height.
- Decreased crypt depth.
Biolex™ Improved Ileal Energy and Fat Digestibility
- Energy correlated with improved gain and FCR at 2 weeks.
- Fat correlated with improved gain and FCR at 2 and 3 weeks.
Biolex™ Increased Propionate Concentration in Ceca
- Percent of total short chain fatty acids at 42 days.
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