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Can we substitute avilamycin by a non medicated solution in broiler production ?

Published: October 19, 2012
By: Gaelle Benzoni (IN VIVO NSA), Danièle MARZIN(NEOVIA), Marie-Laurence Le Ray (B-Safe and Powerjet Product Manager, Neovia)
Antibiotics have been used for decades in broiler chicken production for their gut microflora regulation effect, resulting in growth promotion. Governments and consumers are more and more aware of damageable consequences of in routine use of antibiotics and as a consequence, there is a growing need for farmers to find alternatives without loosing profitability. In this context, a patented activated clay, commercially named B-Safe, was compared to avilamycin in a field study. 
Material and methods
 Can we substitute avilamycin by a non medicated solution in broiler production ? - Image 1
The following data were registered :
- global feed intake, final body weight, feed conversion ratio, mortality
- intestinal integrity at 28 and 35 days of age (HTSI methodology-Elanco).
 Can we substitute avilamycin by a non medicated solution in broiler production ? - Image 2
Can we substitute avilamycin by a non medicated solution in broiler production ? - Image 3
Regarding intestinal integrity, avilamycin and B-Safe groups were very similar ; they respectively obtained a score of 86.6 and 86.0 at 28 days and of 89.2 and 89.2 at 35 days.
Mortality was similar between avilamycin and B-Safe groups, respectively 4.8% and 4.5%. Animals receiving B-Safe consumed a little less feed (- 1.8%) but had a slightly better growth (+1.3%) because of a better feed conversion (- 2.9%) compared to animals receiving avilamycin. 
In the conditions of this large-scale study, B-Safe enabled similar or slightly better zootechnical performances and intestinal integrity than avilamycin. Moreover profitability was even improved for the integrator (+0.016€/bird). As a consequence, B-Safe can be considered as a promising alternative to avilamycin for broiler production.
Related topics:
Gaelle Benzoni
Danièle Marzin
Marie-Laurence Le Ray
Alloui Nadir
14 de noviembre de 2012

Very good informative article on clay. Yes indeed this substance can be used in poultry feed
Several research articles have been published.
Here is an article carried in our university :


Marie-Laurence Le Ray
18 de diciembre de 2012

In this trial it was possible to change B-SAFE inclusion level and we know that it is more benefic for animals' gut flora to vary B-SAFE concentration. But some of our customers prefer using B-SAFE at a fixed level during all the breeding period and it works too. It depends on your facilities and your objectives.

S. M. A. Halim
15 de diciembre de 2012

It is very difficult to be use B-Safe inclusion level regarding age of birds.

Marie-Laurence Le Ray
20 de noviembre de 2012

To Sergio Velez: a third group would have been probably better, you're right; but it was a field study with a customer and only 2 treatments were possible. We have divided the buildings into 2 groups and fed animals as usual=ad lib. But we have done other trials in research centers with more treatments that show the same trend as this trial (in comparison with antibiotics growth promoters).
B-SAFE is a clay activated by copper. Copper has an antimicrobial activity which is potentialized by the localisation of the copper at the surface of the clay. A very low level of copper is enough to have antimicrobial activity of B-SAFE because of its patented process. We have now backep up this product for 10 years and we have a lot of trials, in-vitro and in-vivo which show B-SAFE efficacy on the modulation of gut flora, height of villosities and thus on zootechnical performances.
B-SAFE can be added to organic acids or replace them, each breeding situation must be evaluated.
To S.M.A. Halim: B-SAFE has shown in-vitro antimicrobial activity against Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium sporogenes. In-vivo, B-SAFE is very often used to fight against wet litter due to digestive disorders and gut flora imbalance.
To Dr Dhar: in this mexican trial, no evaluation of the gut flora was done but some animals were evaluated by Elanco method to make a scoring of intestinal integrity : lesions of the different parts of the gut,...
This trial was published at Alternatives to Antibiotics symposium, last september in Paris.
Thank you for your comments!
Marie-Laurence LE RAY, product manager of B-SAFE

S. M. A. Halim
19 de noviembre de 2012
Really very good infirmation for poultry sector. B-Safe can be control Entaritis or not. What is composition of B-Safe?
Yahia Sumiaat
17 de noviembre de 2012

Dear : I think the global tend is to find alternative way to antibiotics which used as a feed additives like avilamycin , vancomycin , lincomycin and I read many of articles about the same subject using organic acid as a growth promoting , at the same time we use organic acids in drinking water to control the disorder of the gut we found very good resluts.

Thx 4 ur efforts
Dr yahia sumiaat

Jonaed Ahmad Faisal
15 de noviembre de 2012
ARTAT Enterprise
14 de noviembre de 2012
Did you make microbial evaluation of the gut in two groups? Intestinal villi histological studies?
Sergio Velez
Alimentos CCR
14 de noviembre de 2012

I would have wanted to see a third treatment: a negative control without the clay and the antibiotic. Dont you think?

Also, although I am sure much more controversial ( and i understand there are arguments against): I would have wanted animales to be fed to an equal intake ( although consdering the sample size and the traditional feeding practices (in most countries, not all) this seems difficult).

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