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Adding a Macroalgae Blend to Commercial Laying Hen Diets Improves Egg Quality and Body Weight Gain

Published: December 19, 2023
By: J.S. SANDS 1, L.R. PARK 2, D. CURRIE 2 and H. GRAHAM 1 / 1 Ocean Harvest Technology Ltd., Heaton House, Fareham, Hampshire, UK PO16 8AA; 2 Roslin Nutrition Ltd., Longniddry, East Lothian, Scotland EH32 0PX.

The effect of a selected blend of brown, green and red macroalgae on egg production and egg quality was evaluated as a functional ingredient in diets fed to commercial laying hens from the onset of laying (22 weeks of age) for a period 168 days. A total of 288 Hyline, point-of-lay pullets were randomly allocated to 72 cages. The birds were fed one of 3 dietary treatments with increasing concentration of a proprietary macroalgae blend (MAB): Control (0 g/kg), Control plus MAB at 5 g/kg feed and Control plus MAB at 10 g/kg feed. Diets met or exceeded the NRC requirements (1994) for laying hens and were presented as mash with hens having ad libitum access to feed throughout the study. Diets were assigned to replicate cages using a completely randomised design, with each group consisting of 24 replicate cages of 4 birds. Under the conditions of the study, MAB did not have a significant influence on egg production rate or egg weight (P>0.05). However, hens offered diets with MAB had higher (p=0.04) body weight gain than the Control group offered diets without the MAB. Egg albumen height and consequently Haugh units were significantly higher (P=0.02) for eggs from hens offered the MAB. These findings suggest MAB may have a positive impact on egg quality factors.

I. Introduction

Ingredients other than in-feed antimicrobial compounds can offer a sustainable approach to improving gastrointestinal (GI) health and animal performance. Efficient egg production and egg quality are of major importance to the poultry industry, but their optimisation is dependent on numerous factors. Nutrition and disease factors are among the most common factors affecting egg production and quality (Roberts, 2004). It follows that a healthy GI tract is required for efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients and, consequently, for egg production and egg quality. Marine macroalgae represent a promising feed ingredient, due to the presence of several bioactive components that have been reported to benefit GI health (Salehi et al. 2019). These bioactive compounds including polysaccharides, peptides, essential fatty acids, antioxidants such as polyphenols and other phytogenic compounds vary significantly between macroalgal species (Salehi et al., 2019). This variation in content of bioactive compounds between algae species provides opportunities for selection of different species to vary the amounts of specific categories of bioactive compounds that benefit GI health in laying hens. The authors hypothesised that a blend of marine macroalgae containing varying proportions of selected brown, green and red algal species may convey benefits that improve egg production and egg quality in commercial hens.

II. Methods

Wheat and soyabean meal-based diets were formulated to be iso-nutritive and to meet the recommended nutrient requirements of the NRC (1994) for layers (Table 1). Three dietary treatments were produced by increasing the concentration of a proprietary, marine macroalgae blend (MAB, OceanFeedTM, supplied by Ocean Harvest Technology Ltd.) to provide a Control (0 g/ kg), Control plus MAB at 5 g/ kg feed and Control plus MAB at 10 g/ kg feed. Diets were fed in two phases, weeks 1-12 and weeks 13-24. The diets were presented to the birds in mash form and were prepared without the inclusion of growth promoting antimicrobials. Diets were analysed for nutritional homogeneity prior to the start of the trial. The hens were allowed continuous access to feed and water throughout the study.
Table 1 - Composition and calculated analyses of basal diets for phases 1 and 2
Table 1 - Composition and calculated analyses of basal diets for phases 1 and 2
This study was conducted in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 1831/2003 (EC, 2003) and No 429/2008 (EC, 2008) as outlined in the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) technical guidance document on the assessment of efficacy of feed additives (EFSA, 2018). A total of 288 Hyline pullets (Gallus gallus domesticus) at the point-of-lay were randomly allocated to 72 cages, 4 birds per cage in 3 blocks of 24 cages. Three dietary treatments were randomly allocated to cages within blocks providing 24 replicate cages per block. The house was cleaned prior to placement and was equipped with programmable artificial lighting, automated gas heating and forced ventilation. The temperature inside the building was maintained as per breeder recommendations. A 24-hour lighting programme of 16 hours light and 8 hours dark was maintained throughout the trial. The 3 dietary treatments were allocated at random to cages with blocks. Each 4-bird cage served as an experimental unit, providing 24 replicates per treatment. Zootechnical performance parameters measured included: feed intake, egg number, egg weight, average egg weights, egg mass, hen body weight, feed conversion efficiency and incidence of cracked, soft-shelled, and dirty eggs. Egg production (%/hen/day) was calculated as [total egg number per (number hens * number of days hens were alive) x 100]. Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) was calculated as [Egg mass (g/cage/day) per average daily feed intake (g/cage/day)].
Prior to statistical analyses, the data were assessed for outliers using the Box Plot method of JMP® PRO 14.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) and assumptions of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using Shapiro–Wilk test for testing normal distribution and Welch test for testing equal variances, respectively. Where data met the assumptions of the ANOVA test, data were analysed as a randomised completely block design by JMP® PRO 14.2 using the Fit Model. Treatment was included as a main effect and block as random effect in the model. The results were presented as the least squares means. Statistical significance was declared at P ≤ 0.05. The Tukey-Kremer test was used to separate differences between means. Data that did not meet the assumptions for ANOVA were transformed to facilitate meeting of the assumptions or non-parametric analysis was employed if assumptions for ANOVA were not met. For all response criteria, cage served as the experimental unit.

III. Results

Body weight of hens were not different among dietary treatment groups; however, the change in body weight during the trial period tended to be higher in hens offered diets containing MAB (p=0.065, Table 2). Egg production, egg mass, egg weight and feed conversion efficiency were not significantly affected by diet over the 168-day study period. However, for egg quality parameters, the average albumen height (mm) and Haugh units were increased by in eggs from hens fed diets containing the MAB (Table 3, Figure 1).
Table 2 - Egg production, average daily feed intake, final body weight, body weight change and feed conversion efficiency of laying hens fed a wheat-soybean meal-based diets with the addition of a marine macroalgae blend* at 0, 5 or 10 g/ kg of feed over a period of 24 weeks.
Table 2 - Egg production, average daily feed intake, final body weight, body weight change and feed conversion efficiency of laying hens fed a wheat-soybean meal-based diets with the addition of a marine macroalgae blend* at 0, 5 or 10 g/ kg of feed over a period of 24 weeks.
Table 3: Egg Quality (egg weight, egg mass, albumen height and yolk colour) from laying hens fed a wheat-soybean meal-based diets with the addition of a marine macroalgae blend* at 0, 5 or 10 g/ kg of feed over a period of 12 weeks.
Table 3: Egg Quality (egg weight, egg mass, albumen height and yolk colour) from laying hens fed a wheat-soybean meal-based diets with the addition of a marine macroalgae blend* at 0, 5 or 10 g/ kg of feed over a period of 12 weeks.
Figure 1 - Haugh Unit (HU, an index of egg quality) of eggs from hens fed diets containing a marine macroalgae blend at 0, 5 and 10 g/ kg of feed. 1HU was measure using the formula: HU=100log (H-1.7W0.37+7.6) where H is the height (in millimeters) of the albumen, and W is the weight of the egg. Values shown are means +/- SEM; different superscripts, denotes significant differences between means (P≤0.05).
Figure 1 - Haugh Unit (HU, an index of egg quality) of eggs from hens fed diets containing a marine macroalgae blend at 0, 5 and 10 g/ kg of feed. 1HU was measure using the formula: HU=100log (H-1.7W0.37+7.6) where H is the height (in millimeters) of the albumen, and W is the weight of the egg. Values shown are means +/- SEM; different superscripts, denotes significant differences between means (P≤0.05).

IV. Discussion

While egg production was similar, hens offered diets with MAB tended to have higher body weight gain after consuming the diets for 168 days. An increase in weight suggests a more efficient extraction of nutrients; however, this was not confirmed by improved feed conversion efficiency. Haugh Units (HU), which combines the egg mass with the albumen height, is generally accepted as an indicator of egg quality (Eisen et al. 1962). An improvement in albumin height and in HU noted with dietary MAB in this trial suggests an improvement in overall egg quality. Given HU is widely accepted as a key indicator of egg quality and freshness (Eisen et al. 1962, Williams, 1992), it is an important value metric for egg producers. Further studies involving supplementation with the MAB used in this study, to greater numbers of laying hens over longer periods of time are proposed to confirm the possible benefits for laying hen welfare and productivity. Further, a more detailed assessment of the quality factors and the composition of eggs from hens fed diets containing MAB should be included in future studies.
Presented at the 33th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium 2022. For information on the next edition, click here.

Eisen, EJ, BB Bohren & HE McKean (1962) Poultry Science 41(5): 1461-1468.

European Food Safety Authority (2018) EFSA Journal 16(5): 5274

Salehi B, Sharifi-Rad J, Seca AML, Pinto DCGA, Michalak I, Trincone A, Prakash Mishra A, Nigam M, Zam W & Martins N (2019) Molecules 24(22): 4182.

NRC, 1994. National Research Council, (1994) Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th Rev. Ed. National Academy Press. Washington DC. USA.

Roberts, JR (2004) Journal of Poultry Science 41: 161-177.

Williams, KC (1992) World’s Poultry Science Journal 48: 5-16.

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The authors hypothesized that a blend of marine macroalgae containing varying proportions of selected brown, green, and red algal species may convey benefits that improve egg production and egg quality in commercial hens.
Jason Sands
Ocean Harvest Technology
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