Feed Passage Syndrome (FPS) in broilers is a multifactorial condition characterized by wet excreta and decreased feed efficiency, which can be triggered by various contributing factors. Alternatives to antimicrobials, including phytogenics, are being studied to control this process. This study assessed oregano essential oil (OEO) in broilers subjected to a FPS challenge model. Three treatments (negative control, neomycin-fed positive control, and OEO-fed group) were included. All treatments were challenged with reused litter, inoculums of Eimeria spp. and Clostridium perfringens, and excess dietary CP. OEO-fed birds showed improved performance, better excreta characteristics, lower frequency of congested mucosa, reverted hyperplasia of the bursa of Fabricius, better antioxidant status, and higher breast and carcass weights and dietary protein and energy efficiencies. The OEO treatment was shown to influence the growth pattern of the broilers. In conclusion, the OEO showed positive effects in broilers challenged with a FSP model.
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