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Feed supplementation with sodium butyrate and phytase for laying quail

Published: October 20, 2011
By: EJ Fassani1*, LJ Lara2, BA Soares2, AG Bertechini1, JO Nunes3 - Lavras Federal University- Lavras, MG, Brazil; 1Professor, Animal Husbandry Department, UFLA; 2DVM Student, UFLA; 3Animal Husbandry Specialist

Studies on poultry nutrition using organic acids, either alone or in combination with enzymes have shown positive effects in both broilers and layers. However, no reports were found regarding the use of these additives in Japanese quail. The purpose of this study was to assess the feed supplementation of sodium butyrate and phytase in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Two hundred and forty quail after laying peak were used in an 84-day experimental period divided into 4 stages of 21 days each. Treatments were as follows: 1 – Positive control feed (PC), without sodium butyrate (SB) and without phytase; 2 – Negative control feed (NC), with reduced nutrient levels; 3 – NC + phytase; 4 – NC + SB, and 5 – NC + phytase + SB. The birds were randomly allotted to laying cages of 8 birds each, with 6 replicates per treatment. Egg production, egg weight, feed intake, and feed conversion rate were evaluated. Likewise, both feed dry matter metabolization coefficient (DMMC) and gross energy metabolization coefficient (GEMC) were also determined. Results showed no effect of sodium butyrate or phytase (either alone or in combination) on quail performance or on feed DMMC/GEMC as compared with the positive controls. This can be partly explained by the level of nutrients used in the PC diet, which may be overestimated for quail after laying peak, hindering the performance decrease in the birds fed the NC diet.
Key Words: Poultry, Organic acid, Enzyme.

Japanese quail egg production has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Brazil is now one of world's major quail egg producers, with one of largest national quail flocks. Brazilian quail industry is supported by small and medium producers, typically with a chicken egg production background, and an entrepreneur spirit.
Virtually together with the expansion of this industry, consumers have become more and more concerned about the way their food is produced, emphasizing the potentially negative environmental impact of farm practices. This environmentalist vision is also growing in the Brazilian poultry industry, so that priority is now being given to the use of feed additives aiming to improve nutrient digestibility/absorption and, therefore, decreasing the excretion of potentially-polluting substances. Exogenous enzymes are one example of feed additives that enhance nutrient utilization by birds thus resulting in improved use of nutritional resources and minimizing nutrient excretion to the environment.
Organic acids are one additional group of feed additives that have attracted industry attention, since their use results in improved intestinal health (Van Immerseel et al., 2005), and increased nutrient absorption, thus improving animal performance and decreasing the amount of nutrients excreted to the environment. Some recent reports like that published by Liem et al. (2008) are identifying synergy between the use of enzymes and some organic acids in the production of broilers. Nevertheless, nothing is known about the effects of using exogenous enzyme-organic acid combinations in Japanese quail.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementing Japanese quail feeds with sodium butyrate alone or in combination with phytase after laying peak on dietary dry matter/crude energy metabolism.
Materials and Methods
The experiment was carried out in UFLA's poultry sector, using a conventional, laying quail house. Two hundred and forty (240) Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) after laying peak were housed in cages at a stocking density of 144 cm²/bird (8 birds/cage). Birds were distributed using a completely-at-random design, with 5 treatments and 6 repetitions of 8 quail per experimental unit, under four 21-day evaluation periods, under a 5 x 4 factorial scheme (5 treatments x 4 time periods). The experimental feeds were formulated based on corn and soybean meal, in accordance with the recommendations published by Vilar et al. (2007). The chemical composition of feedstuffs was based on the Brazilian Tables (Tableas Brasileiras, Rostagno et al., 2005), supplemented or not with bacterial phytase and polypeptide-coated sodium butyrate.
Birds were fed twice per day, using trough-type feeders. Feed and water (nipple drinkers) were provided ad libitum. Lighting program provided 16 hours of light per day, from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Treatments were as follows: 1) Positive control (PC) feed, with no sodium butyrate (SB) or phytase; 2) Negative control (NC) feed with reduced nutritional levels, as per enzyme matrix; 3) NC+phytase, 4) NC+SB, 5) NC+phytase+SB. The NC feed had the following nutrient reductions:   -0.40% crude protein, -0.12% available phosphorus, -0.15% calcium, -0.019% digestible lysine, -0.007% methionine, -0.014% digestible methionine + cystine, -0.013% digestible threonine,            -0.003% digestible tryptophan, and -30 kcal metabolizable energy. Phytase and sodium butyrate levels were 500 FTU/kg feed and 0.015 g/kg feed, respectively.
Quail performance was measured in terms of egg production (%/bird/day), feed intake (g/bird/day) and feed conversion rate (FCR, g/g).
At experiment completion, a 3-day total excreta collection period started. Excreta were received in plastic-lined trays, placed underneath each experimental unit. The starting and ending points of the collection period were identified using ferric oxide as a marker, and excreta were collected twice per day, recording the feed intake and total excreta production during the period. Analyses were then performed in order to determine dry matter and crude energy in both excreta and experimental feeds, as per the methodology described by Silva and Queiroz (2002), allowing for the calculation of both dry matter metabolization coefficient (DMMC) and gross energy metabolization coefficient (GEMC) in the experimental feeds.
Results were analyzed using the SISVAR statistical software, in agreement with Ferreira (2000). Treatments were compared using Tukey´s test with 5% probability.
Results and Discussion
Quail performance is shown in Table 1. Feed supplementation with phytase and/or sodium butyrate had no effect (P>0.05) on egg production or feed intake. Nevertheless, FCR showed differences among treatments (P<0.05) since it was adversely affected in birds fed the sodium butyrate-supplemented feed, showing that when added alone to digestible methionine + cystine-reduced diets, the organic acid can affect FCR. The level selected for feed formulation can exceed birds' actual requirement during the post-peak laying stage, which blocked the possibility of reducing egg production in the quail fed the NC diet.
No effect was seen (P>0.05) of feed supplementation of phytase and sodium butyrate on DMMC or GEMC in the experimental feeds (Table 2).
Table 1. Performance of laying Japanese quail fed a sodium butyrate (SB)- and phytase-added ration
Egg production (%)1
Feed Intake
(g/bird /day)1
Egg weight (g)1
Positive Control (PC)
2.33 a
Negative Control (NC)
2.43 ab
2.44 ab
2.47 b
2.37 ab
CV (%)
Means followed by different letters in one same column are significantly different as per Tukey's test (P<0.05).
1 = (P>0.05); FCR = Feed conversion rate CV = coefficient of variation.
Table 2. Apparent dry matter metabolization coefficient (DMMC) and crude energy metabolization coefficient (CEMC) of experimental feeds for Japanese laying quail fed the sodium butyrate (SB)- and phytase-supplemented feed
DMMC (%)
CEMC (%)
Positive Control (PC)
Negative Control (NC)
(P>0.05); CV = coefficient of variation.
Supplementing the feed of Japanese, post-peak laying quail with sodium butyrate either alone or in combination with bacterial phytase did not result in improved laying performance. Further studies with these additives on laying quail performance are needed.
Gratitude is expressed to Minas Gerais Research Protection Foundation (Fundación Amparo a Pesquisa de Minas Gerais, FAPEMIG) for the financial resources granted (Protocol PPM054/09).
Ferreira DF. 2000. Sistema de análises de variância para dados balanceados. Lavras: UFLA, (SISVAR 4. 1. - pacote computacional).
Liem A, Pesti GM, Edwards HM. 2008. The effect of several organic acids on phytase phosphorus hydrolysis in broiler chicks. Poultry science 87:689-693.
Rostagno HS, Albino LFT, Donzele JL et al. 2005. Tabelas brasileiras para aves e suínos; composição de alimentos e exigências nutricionais. 2a ed. - Viçosa: UFV, DZO. 186p.
Silva DJ & Queiroz AC. 2002. Análise de alimentos: métodos químicos e biológicos. 3.ed. Viçosa, MG: Editora UFV. 235p.
Van Immerseel F, Boyen F, Gatois I, Timbermont L. 2005. Supplementation of coated butyric acid in the feed reduces colonization and shedding of salmonella in poultry. Poultry science 84:1851-1856.
Vilar JH et al. 2007. Exigências nutricionais de codornas. In: III Simpósio Internacional e II Congresso Brasileiro de Coturnicultura, Lavras - MG, Brasil. Anais. Lavras: UFLA/NECTA, p. 44-64.
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