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ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd

Use of exogenous enzymes in poultry feed

Published: October 6, 2021
By: ABTL Enzymes. Contact: Sumit Sipany
The basic nutrients that poultry birds require for maintenance, growth and reproduction include carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The energy and protein are the most important as well as expensive nutrients in poultry diet. Maize and soyabean meal are the conventional feed ingredients commonly used in poultry industry because of its nutrients composition and digestibility. In recent year skyrocketing prices of conventional protein sources like soyabean meal, has leads to increase in feed cost and production cost of chicken. Today's biggest challenge in poultry industry is optimising feed cost by using alternative non-conventional protein sources like DDGS, Maize Gluten, Rapeseed Meal, Groundnut Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, Guar Meal, Sunflower Meal, etc. There are some limitations in using such alternative ingredients due to poor nutrient digestibility and presence of anti-nutritional factors like non starch polysaccharides (NSP's), phytate and protease inhibitors. Anti-nutritional factors are inhibiting normal feed digestion, & thereby bird's health results to compromised performance.
Use of exogenous enzymes in poultry feed - Image 1
NSPs shows anti-nutritive effect and inhibit the digestion and utilization of dietary nutrients by two mechanisms. First mechanism linked
the fact that nutrients are encapsulated by the fibrous cell wall so that digestive enzymes cannot reach there thus nutrients remains unutilised. Second mechanism relates the viscous nature of digesta caused by NSPs which directly affects passage rate of digesta and nutrients utilisation. Phytate blocks the absorption of not only phosphorus but also other minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Phytate also negatively affect the absorption of proteins and lipids. Poultry birds do not produce enzymes for the hydrolyses of NSPs and phytate, present in feed. Use of exogenous enzymes like protease, xylanase, mannanase, phytase, etc. gives flexibility in using alternative ingredients without compromising bird's performance by reducing anti-nutritional effects and improving nutrients availability.
Use of exogenous enzymes in poultry feed - Image 2
PROMAXYL-α is a comprehensive solution designed through extensive research and substrate consideration over the lifetime of the birds. It is combination of Protease (Acid, Alkaline and neutral), endo 1,4-β- Xylanase, endo 1,4-βMannanase, α Amylase and 6 Phytase for more nutrient release. PROMAXYL-α targets the major anti-nutritional factors increases the digestibility and utilization of nutrients in poultry by improved utilization of phytate phosphorous, non-starch polysaccharides, starch, proteins and amino acids.
It gives flexibility for using non-conventional feed ingredients. It will provide up to 115 Kcal/ kg energy and 3 % protein of total CP present in feed. It enables producers to naturally enhance the growth of their birds, lower feed cost and maximize profits.
Use of exogenous enzymes in poultry feed - Image 3
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Dr.Ashok shinde
7 de julio de 2023

Is there are any reliable & scientific values of CP, ME, amino acids & available phosphorus that can be reduced after inclusion of enzymes in diet formulation to reduce the cost of feed without hampering productive performance of birds in terms of FCR & egg production?

Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
27 de junio de 2023

Role of exogenous enzymes in Poultry Production:-

1. The use of enzymes in poultry nutrition has great importance.
2. The use of exogenous feed enzymes in poultry diet is becoming a norm to overcome the adverse effects of anti-nutritional factors and improve digestion of dietary component.
3. Exogenous enzymes supplementation on diets improves the production efficiency of poultry by increasing the digestion of low-quality products and reducing nutrient loss through excreta, allowing the reduction of diets nutritional levels with likely economic advantages.
4. Enzymes are added to animal ration with the goal of increasing its digestibility, improving nutrient availability, as well as for environmental issues.
5. A large number of individual carbohydrase's, Xylanases, proteases, phytases, and lipases are used for this purpose according to poultry producer requirement.
6. Usually, commercial enzymes used as additives do not contain a single enzyme, instead, they are enzymatic preparations containing a variety of enzymes, which is eligible since rations are composed by ingredients of different constitution.

Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
17 de enero de 2023

Multi-enzyme solutions for sustainable poultry.:
Maximizing nutrient utilisation and profits.??

1. New multienzyme solution improves feed digestibility, enabling significant reduction in dietary nutrient levels, and increasing nutrient retention. ?

2. Therefore, broilers require less nutrients into feed and less natural resources; nutrient excretion is decreased, and sustainability in poultry industry improved.

3. Diets fed to broilers, and other livestock, contain a considerable number of indigestible fractions.

4. In fact, 20 to 25% of the organic matter is unavailable for absorption in broilers.

5. Nearly 25-30% of feed goes undigested in poultry especially in layer diets also.

a) It has been estimated that 400-450 kcal of digestible energy per kg of feed remains undigested due to the NSP contents present in corn-soybean meal diets (Cowieson, 2010).??

6. This is the substrate or food for bacteria in lower gut, they feed on this. ??

7. This is how microbial population grows fast:

a) Leading to pasty vent,
b) soiled feathers,
c) dirty eggs
d) and wet litter, smell, ammonia, fly menace etc.

8. Multi enzymes target whole feed as one substrate.

9. Enzyme supplementation to the poultry rations has a positive effect on feeds digestibility and leads to better productivity and performance.

10. Moreover, supplemen-tation of commercial enzymes can increase the nutritive value of feed ingredients and diets as well as allow greater flexibility in diet formulation.

Dr V.Rajendra Prasad

Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
17 de enero de 2023
1. Persistent increase in the feed prices has been a major constraint in most of the developing countries like India. 2. As a consequence, cheaper and non-conventional feed ingredients have to be used which contain higher percentage of NSP’s. 3. Use of exogenous enzymes in feed provide flexibility in using alternative ingredients without compromising birds performance by reducing anti-nutritional effects and improving nutrients availability and help to aid digestion. 4. PHYTASE: Phosphorous is a key nutritional requirement for poultry to provide bone growth. Most of the phosphorus contained in animal feed of plant origin exists in the storage form called phytate. Poultry cannot digest phosphorus contained within phytate, since they lack phytase enzyme that breaks down this phytate molecule. 5. XYLANASE: Break down non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs), including soluble and insoluble arabinoxylans, in the fibre fraction of plant cell walls as well as reducing digesta viscosity and improving digestibility, nutrient release and feed passage rates. 6. PROTEASE: Increases protein digestibility through hydrolysis of storage and structural proteins, and disrupts interactions of proteins with starch and fibre in the diet. 7. USE OF ENZYMES GIVES BETTER ROI THROUGH IMPROVED BIRD PERFORMANCE TO POULTRY PRODUCERS.
8 de julio de 2022
The subject is finally expressing the theme that 115 k.cal ME and 3% Protein. This fact can not be established so widely. Where as the Phytates breakdown can easily be established with proof with 2500 fyts surely can replace 10 kgs of DCP in feed.
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