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ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
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ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd

Role of acidifiers to control pathogenic microorganisms and to improve the performance of birds

Published: July 14, 2022
By: ABTL Enzymes
  • Acidifiers are combination of organic acids. Organic acid is a chemical compound from the class of fatty acids that have a pH below 7
  • Organic acids included in feeds in order to lower the pH of the feed, gut, & microbial cytoplasm thereby inhibiting the growth of pathogenic intestinal microflora.
Role of acidifiers to control pathogenic microorganisms and to improve the performance of birds. - Image 1
Role of Organic Acid
Acidifier effectively regulates pH of the intestine. They promote growth & health of chicken by:
Decreasing the gastric [stomach] pH:
Pathogenic bacteria [E.Coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus etc.] grow within the range of 6 to 8 pH. Their growth is inhibited when the pH falls below the range suitable for the growth.
In general, the more acidic the pH of the medium, the greater is the antibacterial activity. This is because acidic pH causes major damage to lipopolysaccharides of the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria. Acidic pH also inactivates essential enzymes at the cell surface of bacteria. At an alkaline pH, the organic acids of the acidifiers are present mostly in a dissociated form, whereas in the acidic pH they remain mostly un dissociated. 
It in the undissociated form that they are able to enter into the bacteria, through cell membrane. This is because, by partitioning into membrane lipid bilayers, undissociated organic acids molecules interfere with the activity of membrane protein or enzymes. Thus, organic acid inhibit the growth of bacteria when concentration of the acid reaches a critical level.
Once inside the bacteria the more neutral environment within causes the organic acids to dissociate into H+ ions & anions. The acid anions disrupt and interfere with DNA and protein synthesis, causing bacterial death.
Role of acidifiers to control pathogenic microorganisms and to improve the performance of birds. - Image 2
Role of acidifiers to control pathogenic microorganisms and to improve the performance of birds. - Image 1
How Acidifier increases the digestibility of feed?
After ingestion, the feed reaches the proventriculus of the poultry.
1. Pepsin, the proteolytic enzyme of the proventriculus, is activated from pepsinogen only at low pH [2-4] in other words, the low pH activates pepsinogen. This results in better digestibility of proteins and utilisation of amino acids.
2. Acidifiers decreases the gastric pH. A  low gastric pH is also essential to control the bacterial population in the gut. Growth of harmful bacteria decreases in an acid environment, whereas beneficial lactobacilli species are more tolerant to the low pH values.
3. The low pH does not allow less fermentable substrates to pass through, and therefore prevents the fermentation that occurs in the lower intestine. It thus inhibits growth of hamful bacteria.
1. Acidifiers regulate pH and microbial balance of the gut.
2. It promotes digestion by activating the digestive enzymes.
3. It favour mineral absorption by creating an ideal pH in the intestine.
4. It promotes palatability of feed.
5. It enhances nutrient utilization by birds.
6. Organic Acids in the feed reduce pathogenic microorganism and as a result there is a less stimulation of the birds immune system.
7. In poultry, Organic acids play important role in the birds growth. The acidic environment on the intestinal epithelial surface allows diffusion of the undissociated into the bacteria and enterocytes (intestinal epithelial cells) for their effect.
 Field trial result in commercial broiler  
Aim: To study the effect of acidifier in commercial broiler against the use of antibiotics 
Location: Akrij Poultry, MIDC-Nashik  
Product: ACIPLEX™ Optimized Acidification to Amplify  Growth Performance 
ACIPLEX™ is an acidifier for poultry feed, based on a powerful combination of synergistically acting organic acids.
Parameters of Performance Analysis: Weekly Feed Consumption, Avg. BWG, FCR and Feed Cost. 
Role of acidifiers to control pathogenic microorganisms and to improve the performance of birds. - Image 4
Role of acidifiers to control pathogenic microorganisms and to improve the performance of birds. - Image 5
Although the mortality in group fed ACIPLEX™ is slightly higher than the Antibiotic treated group, but there are overall improvement in Body Weight Gain & FCR.
Thus the effect of mortality is compensated with the improvement in BWG & FCR in ACIPLEX™ treated group.
Antibiotics decreases the Mortality, but it suppress the growth & FCR when added in Poultry Feed.             
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Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
22 de enero de 2023

1. The acidifiers most used in poultry diets are fumaric, butyric, formic, prop ionic, lactic, and citric acids.??

2. These has a special function of reducing the pH, which makes it an antimicrobial additive, with the ability to regulate the intestinal micro biota and, consequently, to improve digestive efficiency.??

3. The acidifiers could be used to favourably manipulate the intestinal microbial populations and improve the immune response, hence perform an activity similar to antibiotics in food animals in countering pathogenic bacteria. Acidifiers also improve the digestibility of nutrients and increase the absorption of minerals.??

DrV.Rajendra Prasad

Virinder gupta
Virinder gupta
2 de noviembre de 2022
Hello. I am a layer Poultry farmer based out of Barwala RaipurRani Haryana. I have been meaning to explore and understand ABTL product offerings for my farm. Yet, i have not been able to have a representative visit my farm and discuss. Can some one ne proactive enough to book an appointment and hence enlighten me? Warmest, Virinder 8308 127 869 Modi Farms
Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
15 de julio de 2022
The organic acids and its salts or simply acidifiers play an important role in gut health in animals. The acidifiers could be used to favourably manipulate the intestinal microbial populations, improve the immune response, and perform a bactericidal activity in countering pathogenic bacteria. Acidifiers also improve the digestibility and absorption of nutrients. However, their effect will not be similar among all types of organic acids as their mechanism of activity is based on its pKa value. Acidifiers with their potent applications helps in improving nutrient digestibility, mineral utilization, meat quality, enhancing immunity, antimicrobial effects in countering pathogenic bacteria, boosting performance and production, and thus safeguarding health of birds. Use ACIPLEX product of ABTL for optimized acidification to amplify growth performance of birds. Features:- 1. A synergistically acting combination of organic acids and acid salts having non-corrosive and non-stringent properties. 2. Innovative acidifier, consisting of organic acids in a protective matrix that reduces the solubility of the acids, ensuring that they are released throughout the entire gastro-intestinal tract. 3. Safe and easy handling as well as fast and homogenous mixing in the feed. 4. No development of antibiotic resistance. 5. No withdrawal time.
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