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Update on Dietary Arginine Recommendations for Broilers

Published: November 1, 2024
By: Ivan Camilo Ospina Rojas / CJ Feed Brazil.

Dietary arginine (Arg) supplementation above the recommended levels has been shown to improve broiler performance in modern broilers indicating that the dietary Arg level needed for maximum performance may be higher in high-yielding broiler genetic lines.

Since high lysine (Lys) levels increase renal arginase activity and consequently increase Arg degradation, dietary concentrations of both Lys and Arg should be assessed simultaneously to determine the optimal dietary Arg:Lys ratio. Considering that the Arg:Lys ratio average in the literature is 115, dietary Arg requirements must be updated. A meta-analysis based on 116 observations from 10 peer-reviewed papers was conducted to determine the optimal Arg levels in broiler diets. The Arg base data included peer-reviewed studies published between 2001 and 2022. BW gain increased (P≤0.01) as increasing Arg intake.

The dietary Arg:Lys ratio was estimated at 117 and 119 for optimal BW gain and feed:gain ratio in modern broilers, respectively


Recently, higher dietary arginine (Arg) levels than the recommended values in nutritional tables have been reported (Murakami et al. 2012; Xu et al., 2018; Zampiga et al.,2018; Oliveira et al., 2022). This suggests that Arg levels needed for maximum performance are increased in modern broilers. The high dietary Arg levels found in the literature may be associated with the critical roles played by Arg in animal metabolism.
Besides enhancing protein synthesis via activating the mTOR signaling pathway (Yao et al., 2008; Yuan at., 2015), many essential molecules, such as creatine, polyamines, proline, glutamate, citrulline, and agmatine, are derived from Arg (Wu and Morris, 1998). Arg is a precursor in the biosynthesis of nitric oxide, an important messenger molecule with cardiovascular, immune, and reproductive functions, and it is critically essential for T-cell proliferation (Efron et al., 1991). In the brain, nitric oxide activates the release of luteinizing hormone-releasing, and in the gonad, it plays a vital role in inducing ovulation (McCann et al., 1999). Growth hormone secretion is stimulated by nitric oxide in pituitary cells (Luque et al.,2005). Arg, a precursor of proline, is also an important building block for collagen synthesis, which is essential for skin wound healing (Stechmiller et al., 2005).Dietary Arg requirements must be updated based on its functions and the multiple pathways for its utilization at high rates.

Optimal Dietary Arg levels for Broiler Performance

The antagonism between dietary Arg and Lys) has long been defined (Austic and Scott, 1975). This effect is more apparent with an excess of Lys and a marginal Arg level (low Arg:Lys ratio) rather than an excess of Arg (high Arg:Lys ratio) (Balnave and Brake, 2002). Indeed, broiler performance might be improved with a higher Arg:Lys ratio (Murakami et al., 2012; Zampiga et al., 2018).
Since high Lys levels increase renal arginase activity and consequently increase Arg degradation (Austic and Scott, 1975), dietary concentrations of both Lys and Arg should be assessed simultaneously to determine the optimal Arg:Lys ratio of a diet.
We conducted a meta-analysis based on 94 observations from eight peer-reviewed papers to determine the optimal Arg levels in broiler diets (Ospina-Rojas et al., 2019). However, some recent dose-response data using Arg have been published, and these studies need to be considered in a new meta-analysis.
A meta-analysis based on 116 observations from 10 peer-reviewed papers was conducted to determine the optimal Arg levels in broiler diets. The Arg base data included peer-reviewed studies published between 2001 and 2022. It used data from birds raised in normal conditions and excluded the dose-response data of broilers challenged or raised in suboptimal temperatures. In such studies, Arg has been primarily studied and fully demonstrated to attenuate the adverse effects on the performance of broilers subjected to those stress conditions. When not given the standardized ileal digestible (SID) amino acid contents of the experimental, they were calculated using digestibility coefficients of ingredients, as proposed by Rostagno et al. (2017). Summary references and some experimental conditions used for the meta-analysis are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Description of the data set used for the meta-analysis.
Table 1. Description of the data set used for the meta-analysis.
BW gain (g/d) data were plotted against Arg and Lys intake (g/d) (Figure 1). There was a positive response regarding BW gain with increasing dietary Arg and Lys intake. Considering the antagonism between dietary Lys and Arg, Lys levels were considered in the equation to estimate the optimal Arg levels. A significant quadratic regression (P < 0.01) was fitted from the 116 observations to predict the daily SID Arg intake to achieve a desirable BW gain during the different growth phases depending on SID Lys intake. For instance, an optimal SID arginine level of 1.485% would be needed to achieve a daily BW gain of 20.0 g in broilers fed 1.364% Lys from 1 to 7 days of age (Table 2).
Figure 1. Effect of SID Arg and Lys intake on daily BW gain
Figure 1. Effect of SID Arg and Lys intake on daily BW gain
Table 2. Calculated SID Arg intake during different growth periods according to the fitted equation in Figure 2.
Table 2. Calculated SID Arg intake during different growth periods according to the fitted equation in Figure 2.
The Arg:Lys recommended ratio for broilers from the Ross commercial line has been updated from 107 to 106‒112, depending on the growth period (Aviagen, 2022). Similarly, the Arg:Lys recommended ratio for broilers from the Cobb commercial line increased from 105‒108 to 108‒110 for the Cobb500 birds (Cobb-vantress, 2022). However, the Arg:Lys recommendation average in the literature is 115, ranging from 105 to 125, depending on the variable studied (Table 3) (NRC, 1994, Lippens et al., 1997; Baker, 1997; Kidd et al., 2001; Corzo and Kidd, 2003; Jahanian, 2009; Corzo et al., 2012; Oliveira et al., 2022).
Table 3. Amino acid/ lysine ratio in broiler chickens (Adapted for BW gain and 101‒133 for feed:gain based on the LRP and QR models, respectively (Figure 2 and 3). from Campos et 2008).
Table 3. Amino acid/ lysine ratio in broiler chickens (Adapted for BW gain and 101‒133 for feed:gain based on the LRP and QR models, respectively (Figure 2 and 3). from Campos et 2008).
The SID Arg:Lys ratio to optimize the immune system response is higher than the optimal feed:gain ratio, which is higher than the maximum BW gain (Corzo et., 2003; Jahanian, 2009). Corzo et al. (2012) indicated that broiler chicks optimize their BW gain and feed:gain values at Arg:Lys ratios of 108 and 114, respectively. The SID Arg:Lys ratio estimated from the nutritional recommendations of Jahanian (2009) was 115, 117, and 122 to optimize BW gain, feed:gain, and immune system function, respectively. Oliveira et al. (2022) indicated that increasing the ratios of dietary SID Arg:Lys from 94% to 124% linearly improved the growth performance of broiler chickens from 1 to 21 and 22 to 22 d old, in which the recommended ratio of 124% showed the optimal BW gain and feed:gain ratio. It is suggested by the high Arg recommendations in late peer-review papers that Arg levels needed for maximum performance are even higher in modern broilers.
Based on this information, the dose-response data from peer-reviewed papers published between 2012 and 2022 were assessed. Dose-response data were expressed as a percentage to standardize and compare performance data from broilers of different ages. The best performance was considered the reference (100%), and their respective dietary SID Arg levels and Arg:Lys ratios were set at zero. The other treatments were expressed relative to the reference treatment. Quadratic regression (QR) and linear response plateau (LRP) models were used to determine the optimum Arg:Lys ratio for the relative BW gain and feed:gain ratio. The optimal SID Arg:Lys ratio was estimated at 100‒124 Table 3. Amino acid/ lysine ratio in broiler chickens (Adapted for BW gain and 101‒133 for feed:gain based on the LRP and QR models, respectively (Figure 2 and 3).
Figure 2. Effect of SID Arg:Lys ratio on relative BW gain using different regression approaches.
Figure 2. Effect of SID Arg:Lys ratio on relative BW gain using different regression approaches.
Pesti et al. (2009) reported that the requirements might be overestimated by QR. Similarly, Tavernari et al. (2012) indicated that LRP is known for underestimating nutritional requirements. Then, the first intercept value of the LRP (on the plateau) and the quadratic fit were determined (LRP + QR). The first intercept value was an excellent representation of the requirement when the nutritional value was not over- or underestimated. The ideal Arg:Lys recommendation using the first intercept value of LRP and QR for BW gain and feed:gain was estimated at 117 and 119, respectively. It was confirmed by this result that the Arg:Lys ratio needed for maximum performance was higher in modern broilers due to all Arg functions and the multiple pathways for Arg utilization at high rates in broiler metabolism. An essential Arg function in healing wounds and reducing the carcass incidence of skin scratch infections has been scantily explored in birds. Dietary Arg supplementation could be a nutritional strategy to reduce poultry economic losses with carcass condemnation issues. The increasing ratios from 94% to 124% of SID Arg:Lys linearly increased the skin thickness and strength of the broiler at 44 days of age (Oliveira et al.,2022). Likewise, Corzo et al. (2003) found a linear reduction in infected carcass scratches of broilers by increasing the Arg:Lys ratiofrom 94 to 147. The reduced infected scratches in Arg-supplemented diets are related to adequate immunity status and dermis with increased resistance. The role of Arg in enhanced wound healing has been well documented in mammals by increasing breaking strength and reparative collagen accumulation (Shi et al, 2003; Tong et al., 2004; Stechmiller et al., 2005).
Figure 3. Effect of SID Arg:Lys ratio on relative feed:gain ratio using different regression approaches.
Figure 3. Effect of SID Arg:Lys ratio on relative feed:gain ratio using different regression approaches.


Arginine has a wide variety of effects on metabolism, including protein synthesis, immunity, wound healing, hormone secretion, neurotransmission, normal cell differentiation and growth, vasodilation, and antioxidant activity.
Several of these effects are mediated by nitric oxide, which elicits a surprisingly wide range of physiological functions, and Arg is the only effective precursor in birds. The dietary Arg:Lys ratio was estimated at 117 and 119 for optimal BW gain and feed:gain ratio in modern broilers, respectively. However, these ratios may be more considerable in maximizing immune system function and skin-breaking strength. High Arg levels may be an interesting strategy to minimize carcass condemnation in the poultry industry, reduce infected scratches, and improve wound healing and carcass quality.

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Jahanian R. 2009. Immunological responses as affected by dietary protein and arginine concentrations in starting broiler chicks. Poult Sci. 88:1818-1824.

Kidd MT, Peedles ED, Whitmarsh SK, Yeatman JB, Wideman RF Jr. 2001. Growth and immunity of broiler chicks as affected by dietary arginine. Poult Sci. 80:1535-1542.

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Laageiwitrantsoenen en aminozuurbehoeften bij vleeskippen. Brochure Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw, Dients voor Landbouwkundig onderzoek, 86p.

Luque RM, Rodriguez-Pacheco F, Tena-Sempere M, Gracia-Navarro F, Malagon MM, Castano JP. Differential contribution of nitric oxide and cGMP to the stimulatory effects of growth hormone-releasing hormone and low-concentration somatostatin on growth hormone release from somatotrophs. J Neuroendocrinol. 2005;17:577‒582.

Mack S, Bercovici D, De Groote G, Leclercq B, Lippens M, Pack M, Schutte JB, Van Cauwenberghe S. 1999. Ideal amino acid profile and dietary lysine specification for broiler chickens of 20 to 40 days of age. Br Poult Sci. 40:257‒265.

McCann SM, Mastronardi CA, Walczewska A, Karanth S, Rettori V, Yu WH. 1999. The role of nitric oxide in reproduction. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. 32, 1367-1379.

Murakami AE, Fernandes JIM, Hernandes L, Santos TC. 2012. Effects of starter diet supplementation with arginine on broiler production performance and on small intestine morphometry. Pesq Vet Bras. 32: 259-266.

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Oliveira CH, Dias KMM, Bernardes RD, Diana TF, Rodrigueiro RJB, Calderano AA, Albino LFT. 2022. The effects of arginine supplementation through different ratios of arginine :lysine on performance, skin quality and creatine levels of broiler chickens fed diets reduced in protein content. Poult Sci. 101(11): 102148.

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The high dietary Arg levels found in the literature may be associated with the critical roles played by Arg in animal metabolism. Besides enhancing protein synthesis via activating the mTOR signaling pathway (Yao et al., 2008; Yuan at., 2015), many essential molecules, such as creatine, polyamines, proline, glutamate, citrulline, and agmatine, are derived from Arg (Wu and Morris, 1998). Arg is a precursor in the biosynthesis of nitric oxide, an important messenger molecule with cardiovascular, immune, and reproductive functions, and it is critically essential for T-cell proliferation (Efron et al., 1991). In the brain, nitric oxide activates the release of luteinizing hormone-releasing, and in the gonad, it plays a vital role in inducing ovulation (McCann et al., 1999). Growth hormone secretion is stimulated by nitric oxide in pituitary cells (Luque et al.,2005). Arg, a precursor of proline, is also an important building block for collagen synthesis, which is essential for skin wound h

Since high Lys levels increase renal arginase activity and consequently increase Arg degradation (Austic and Scott, 1975), dietary concentrations of both Lys and Arg should be assessed simultaneously to determine the optimal Arg:Lys ratio of a diet. We conducted a meta-analysis based on 94 observations from eight peer-reviewed papers to determine the optimal Arg levels in broiler diets (Ospina-Rojas et al., 2019). However, some recent dose-response data using Arg have been published, and these studies need to be considered in a new meta-analysis.

The Arg:Lys recommended ratio for broilers from the Ross commercial line has been updated from 107 to 106?112, depending on the growth period (Aviagen, 2022). Similarly, the Arg:Lys recommended ratio for broilers from the Cobb commercial line increased from 105?108 to 108?110 for the Cobb500 birds (Cobb-vantress, 2022). However, the Arg:Lys recommendation average in the literature is 115, ranging from 105 to 125, depending on the variable studied (Table 3) (NRC, 1994, Lippens et al., 1997; Baker, 1997; Kidd et al., 2001; Corzo and Kidd, 2003; Jahanian, 2009; Corzo et al., 2012; Oliveira et al., 2022).

Oliveira et al. (2022) indicated that increasing the ratios of dietary SID Arg:Lys from 94% to 124% linearly improved the growth performance of broiler chickens from 1 to 21 and 22 to 22 days old, in which the recommended ratio of 124% showed the optimal BW gain and feed:gain ratio. It is suggested by the high Arg recommendations in late peer-review papers that Arg levels needed for maximum performance are even higher in modern broilers.

Arginine has a wide variety of effects on metabolism, including protein synthesis, immunity, wound healing, hormone secretion, neurotransmission, normal cell differentiation and growth, vasodilation, and antioxidant activity. Several of these effects are mediated by nitric oxide, which elicits a surprisingly wide range of physiological functions, and Arg is the only effective precursor in birds.
Iván Camilo Ospina-Rojas
CJ Bio
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