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Gano-met® effect on broiler growth performance and antibody titer

Published: January 10, 2021
By: Life Rainbow Biotech
Life Rainbow Biotech has developed a liquid type nutrition supplement – Gano-met® provides broiler and layer essential nutrition instantly and stress relief. Gano-met® contains extracted Ganoderma lucidum and methionine hydroxy analog (MHA), riches in active compounds such as required amino acid, polysaccharides, and triterpenoids.
Ganoderma lucidum is an edible traditional medicine mushroom, also known as “Lingzhi”(Chinese) and “Reishi” (Japan), which have been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an immune booster herb for more than 4000 years. Ganoderma lucidum consists of more than 400 biologically active compounds such as polysaccharides and triterpenoids. MHA being taken by animal, it would convert into methionine which produces several vital molecules for proper functioning. The objective of this experiment is to investigate the effect of Gano-met® on broiler growth performance and antibody titers.
Materials and Method
The study was a 35 day trial with broilers housed in cages, with 5 replicates per treatment, and 6 chicks per cage. A total of 60 one-day-old male broilers (Ross) were randomly assigned into two groups, including (1) basal diet (control) (2) basal diet plus 1 g/L Gano-met® in drinking water. The Gano-met® was provided on days 1, day 7, day 14 to 16, day 21 to 23, and day 28 to 30. Broilers were vaccinated through nose-drop administration with combined Newcastle disease-infectious bronchitis vaccines on days 4 and 15 whereas ad libitum is provided throughout the experiment.
The individual body weight, average daily gain, average daily feed intake and feed efficiency were recorded every week and blood sample was sampled on day 14 and day 35.
Figure 1 demonstrated after feeding with the diets for 5 weeks, there is no significant difference was found in the growth performance according to body weight and food intake among the groups. However, compare with the control group, Gano-met®-diet showed the improvement feed efficiency in broiler.
Gano-met® effect on broiler growth performance and antibody titer - Image 1
As shown in figure 2, Gano-met®-diet showed higher antibody titer response to Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine and Infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccine. This indicated Gano-met® could improve broiler immunity by increasing the antibody titer level.
Gano-met® effect on broiler growth performance and antibody titer - Image 2
Figure 3 demonstrated the Gano-met®-diet has lowered the aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase compare to control group which represent Gano-met® can provide broiler hepatoprotective action.
Gano-met® effect on broiler growth performance and antibody titer - Image 3
In this study, broilers were applied with Gano-met®. The 1st and 2nd week were applied one week one time, and started a week before the antibiotic withdrawal period to the experiment end, broilers were applied with one week three times. We observed that there are improvements of the growth performance and the antibody titer. Gano-met® could help the poultry by amplify its nutrient utilization and provides immunity protections which could increase the broilers selling weight.
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