The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the zootechnical additive VITAFERT® on the productive and health performance in pigs, in the growing-fattening stage. Four inclusion levels of VITAFERT® were used, which constituted the treatments: CG: control group, GI: 5 mL/kg of live weight (LW), GII: 10 mL/kg of LW and GIII: 15 mL/kg of LW, with five repetitions each and a completely randomized design. In the case of the productive variables variance analysis was used; and Duncan’s test was applied to compare the differences among means, through the package INFOSTAT®. To establish whether there were statistical differences in the incidence of diarrheas and mortality, analysis of proportions was carried out and ComparPro version 1 was used. As the VITAFERT® levels were increased there was a rise (p < 0,001) in the mean daily gain of live weight (0,64; 0,64; 0,71 and 0,75 kg), which brought about an increase (p < 0,001) in the total live weight gain at the end of rearing (57,36; 57,36; 64,30 and 67,68 kg). The feed conversion (kg of DM per kg of LW increase) was favored by the increase (p < 0,001) of the product doses, with values of 4,38; 4,37; 3,90 and 3,73. Likewise, when including the zootechnical additive there was a decrease in the incidence of diarrhea. The inclusion of VITTAFERT® in the feeding of pigs in the growing-fattening stage improved the productive and health performance, and the best results were obtained with the highest dose.
Keywords: animal performance, diarrhea, probiotics.
Table 1. Chemical composition of the concentrate feed. | Table 2. Formulation of the zootechnical additive VITAFERT® | |
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