Baby Pig Milk Replacer. Dr. John Vignes (Advanced Birthright Nutrition/ Ralco Nutrition)
Published:November 25, 2011
Dr. John Vignes, president and owner of Advanced Birthright Nutrition, Inc, speaks about baby pig milk replacer and colostrum management at Porciandina 2011 in Ecuador.
Dr. Salmon.
There is no bovine colostrum or colostrum from immunized sows in my Birthright Baby Pig Milk Replacer..
John L Vignes
Advanced Birthright Nutrition
Ralco Nutrition
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
29 de mayo de 2012
Dear John, something is not clear in my mind, did you use in your pig replacer milk and colostrum from immunized sows? or may be bovine colostrum and/or bovine milk?