We have some farrowing facilities in the US using StalosanF but I have not seen it applied in nursery, grow-finish or wean-finish so have no experience with it. The focus of my presentation at Salta was on the basics of environmental management - what has to happen as we balance heat production by the pig with heat loss for the facility, and how this translates into ventilation management.
Dear Mike:
I am a technical support in HuSheng Agriculture Technology, Co., Ltd,China, who is really interest in your presentation.
Well, we are currently using Stalosan F for environmental enrichmennt, however, we are now seeking more products and facilities to further develope the pig farming profits based on the environmental enhancement aspect, so I was wondering whether you would be so kind as to give me some suggestion on the issue.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you very much in advance!
With Kind Regards
Peng Guan