Eric van Bochove (Director, Research, Development & Technology Transfer, Sherbrooke, Québec & Normandin Research Centres, Science and Technology Branch) made the announcement: "We are pleased to present Danyel Bueno Dalto, the new research scientist at the Sherbrooke Research and Development Centre and a specialist in the swine nutrition and metabolism of micronutrients (trace minerals and vitamins)".
"Danyel received his Bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine and a Ph.D. in animal sciences in Brazil. For the past nine years, he has been a senior postdoctoral researcher at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s trace minerals and vitamins research group. During this time, he has developed experience in pork production and has become well aware of the challenges faced by pork producers in Canada".
"Danyel is passionate about pork production, especially digestive physiology. By applying new biochemical and nutrigenomic approaches, his research program aims to improve litter homogeneity at birth and the robustness (health) of pre- and post-weaning piglets. He will also help develop alternative strategies to the prophylactic use of antibiotic in pigs and to reduce the environmental impact of the sector."
"Danyel will work in the interdisciplinary animal science research team. He will also collaborate with industry, universities and government partners in Canada and internationally. His research will aim to:
Determine the effects of trace minerals and vitamins on the quality of ovulation in sows, on porcine embryo development and on litter homogeneity;
Assess the impact of trace minerals and vitamins on the metabolism and robustness (health) of pre- and post-weaning piglets; and
Understand the nutritional, physiological and metabolic aspects of trace minerals in order to optimize their metabolic use and reduce the release of heavy metals into the environment".