Good story, with consistent fundamentals. However, I have some doubts about what I would like to clarify. - There is no doubt about the bactericidal action of short chain (acc) and medium chain (acm) acros. My question as a researcher is that normally the immune challenge of the animals in the experiment is appreciably less than the field level, in which case the acc and acm may prove as efficient as the antibiotic. Furthermore, in the farm, besides the possible difference in the immune challenge, other factors such as density of animals in the nursery cage, the availability of feeder and the mixture of animals from different litters, among other factors, may contribute to compromise the efficacy of the acrylics in replace the antibiotic or Zno.
I understand that antibiotic dysbiosis is a potential risk for piglets, considering that healthy microbiota is essential to ensure a good performance of the animals, which can be obtained using the acc and acm, the doubt, if I I did understand, is that in the case of replacing the antíbiotico by acc and acm, other details of management should be observed in order to reduce the stress level of the animals.