The Team of Researchers of this work, due to the recognized international scientific competence, in pig nutrition studies, would like, taking the opportunity, to report results of the study that we conducted in this line of research:
- As the objective was to evaluate daily consumption. of digestible lysine (LD), the feed intake of primiparous lactating females was fixed at 5 kg/day, from the fifth day of lactation, in order that the metabolizable energy consumption (ME) did not vary between treatments .; -In summary in our study, it was evidenced that LD level in the ration of primiparous sows in lactation, should not be higher than 3.15 gr / 1000 kcal of EM. This is related to the fact that LD values above that highlighted may compromise the number of piglets born alive in the second calving.
Factors such as an increase in the urea plasma level due to the excess of LD in relation to EM can negatively influence PH and uterine secretion, compromising the number of embryos implanted and, consequently, the number of babies born in the second delivery. This result occurred even in a situation that the performance of the dams, regarding weight loss (up to 5%) and the return to heat between 4 to 6 days, and the weight gain of the litter have not been harmed.
Thus, in this study, it was evidenced that in lactating primiparous sows, the interaction between the consumption of LD with that of MS can be a factor that negatively influences the reproductive performance of primiparous sows in the second calving, decreasing the number of piglets born alive. It can be concluded that the demand for LD by primiparous sows varies according to the consumption of EM