I have been reading some really good research lately, but something about it bothers me. I do understand that a lot of sows are culled before Third Parity, and that this is a good place to start with Sow Longevity. For me personally, five or six parities should be the average for all sows that have farrowed at least once. Good Sow Longevity in my mind is Parity 7 or 8 or more!
Are you able to get good Piglet Birth Weights with today’s Highly-Prolific Sows at Parity 7 and above?
I would love to hear from you on what your sows are doing at Parity 7 and beyond!
References: Foxcroft, George University of Alberta, Edmonton “Potential Productivity Captured for Life” National Hog Farmer Blueprint Series Sow lifetime productivity Pages 5-7 Flowers, Dr. Billy NCSU, Jeff Ballet USDA-ARS, and Joe Cassaday SDSU “Realize Potential Early” National Hog Farmer Blueprint Series Sow lifetime productivity Pages 8-10