Acremonium coenophialum and lolii live in symbiosis with tall fescue and perennial ryegrass, respectively. The grass hosts provide the fungal symbionts with nutrition and reproductive viability, while the endophyte fungi protect their grass hosts from biotic and abiotic stresses. Concurrently, the endophytes produce mycotoxins that can be detrimental to the productivity of animals consuming the grasses. Ergovaline is the primary ergopeptine alkaloid associated with fescue toxicosis, but Nacetylloline and N-formylloline seem to contribute to the disorder. Lolitrem and paxilline are considered to be the main toxic agents in perennial ryegrass.
Although symptoms of these toxicities are readily and extensively defined, efforts to counteract them with a single treatment have been less successful. Specific non-performance indicators can show consistent symptomatic alleviation of toxicosis within narrow experimental windows. However, outside these windows, animal performance in practical grazing conditions is often not improved enough to be measured or to be aligned with performance predicted from the forage nutrient composition. The search must continue for plant/ animal management systems that will alleviate some, or all of the toxicity associated with these grasses. Currently, the yeast cell wall-based adsorbent shows promise in reducing toxin impact.
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