A bioassay was made to study the interaction of chelated (organic) and inorganic zinc (Zn) with aflatoxin (AF) on carcass traits of 270 broiler chicks distributed in 9 treatment groups with 3 replicates having 10 day old broiler chicks each for 42 days under 3 × 3 factorial design with 3 AF levels i.e. basal, 0.5 and 1 ppm and 3 Zn groups i.e. unsupplemented, supplemented with chelated and inorganic Zn at 200 ppm. At the end of feeding period, 6 birds per treatment were randomly selected and slaughtered for study of carcass quality characteristics. The result revealed that AF reduced the eviscerated yields and increased the relative weights of giblet, intestine and liver. It also affected the cut-up parts’ yields mainly through reduced breast yield. The supplementation of Zn either as chelated or inorganic form reduced the weights of intestine and liver, while it had no significant effect on cut-up parts’ yields.
Keywords: Aflatoxin, broiler, carcass quality traits, chelated, inorganic, zinc.
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