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Manuel Ruiz
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Extrusion has been used to prepare animal feeds for many years and has proved to be an effective means to cook and shape raw ingredients into very specialized products, especially in the highly competitive pet food market where size, shape, mouth feel and degree of cook are important factors in the success of the product. During the past 25 years the commercial raising of fish for human food consu ...
Participation in Forum on March 23, 2020
Excellent Summary.
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1. IntroductionPelleting is the most used thermal processing method in poultry industry. The aim of pelleting processing is to agglomerate ingredients particles by mechanical action, in combination with moisture, pressure and temperature. Broilers fed pelleted diets present greater feed intake, better feed conversion ratio and greater weight gain [1-3]. The positive effect of pelleting on broiler ...
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1. IntroductionStarch and its derivatives are used as ingredients and it is the main component in bakery products. It is also added in low quantities as additives to improve the sensory characteristics of a large number of manufactured foods. The products resulting from the hydrolysis of starches (glucose syrup or maltose, maltodextrins) and isomerization (iso-glucose or fructose) are used in the ...
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Umer; If for some reason the material get stuck inside the Expander the best way to remove the material is releasing all breaker bolts from the middle of the Expander all the way to the discharge, remove the die plate and then try to move the shaft from the driven sheave by manually, please do not use any external hydraulic forces, if you do that then the damage on some internal parts can be irrev ...
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Hello Jo, It is well documented that with wheat or barley diets our NSP-degrading enzymes reduce the gut viscosity to a level observed with non-viscous corn-based diets. When only tackling viscosity, there is no need for combinations with other products. Viscosity is however not the only parameter that influences the microbial balance; also in corn diets, gut health and microbial balance remain ...
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Dear Mark,There are many different designs and configurations of roller shells. You should check with the pellet mill supplier what designs and combinations are available and the experience they have in regard to gripping, even wear or smooth operation without vibrations as well as what products are best pelletized.If you mean roll slippage by skidding; there are multiple reasons for this. Fo ...
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Ingredients segregation is a problem that will directly affect the balancing on the formula and at the same time animal performance in the field. Segregation takes place in the mixer and is caused mainly for excess or lack of mixing time. There are other factors that might be involved like bulk density of the ingredients, non-uniform particle size reduction, addition of liquids, sequence of ingre ...
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Particle Size Optimum particle size for best pelleting results has been a matter of controversy for almost as long as feeds have been pelleted. Young (1960) found no significant differences in pellet durability when he experimented with feed rations containing 40, 60, and 70 percent ground corn or grain sorghum when the grain portions were ground coarse, medium, and fine. Martin (1984) compared ...
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Introduction Bacterial foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella (Hood and Zottola, 1997), Campylobacter (Nguyen et al., 2012), Arcobacter (Gibrau et al., 2017) and Listeria (Sofyan et al., 2006) have the ability to attach to processing equipment materials, and subsequently equipment contact surfaces may lead to bacterial contamination of poultry meat during processing (Giaouris et al., 2013). There ...
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