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Monitoring of mycotoxins contamination in maize is very important. In India, analysis of maize samples revealed high level of mycotoxins contamination, particularly aflatoxins.
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Dear Radka!You have provided interesting data that are consistent with the results of other researchers. It has long been established that aflatoxin is a toxin in Southeast Asia, where it is warm and humid. However, in European countries and in the east of Russia it is hard to find "Southeast Asia", it is hidden in silos. After harvesting the grass mass, silage ripening begins - fermentation is in ...
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Dear, Sirs!No need to talk about aflatoxin binding; all binders retain 90-98% aflatoxin. Of interest is the binding of DON and T-2 toxin.As well as a change in the binding of 3-4 toxins with their simultaneous presence in vitro in different ratios.
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 COMPLETE OIL MILL PLANT DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATIONIntroduction to Oilseed ProcessingThe primary goal of oilseed processing is to extract as much oil as possible from the seed while consuming as little energy as possible, resulting in two end products, oil and the left over solids traditionally called meal.The oil can be used in food products, animal feed, cosmetics, pharmaceutica ...
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"Soybean Meal" is produced by solvent extraction of the oil, typically in large scale plants (500 to 5,000+ MTD) that operate 24/7 so the processing conditions tend to be very stable. In the last stages of the extraction process the meal is desolventized and toasted to insure all of the hexane (solvent used to remove the oil) is recovered using both direct and indirect steam heating. The result is ...
Participation in Forum on January 9, 2019
Pavankumar Sorry Sir for late reply.we purchaged fat press from another company.
Participation in Forum on June 18, 2018
We are manufacturing poultry meal at Hyderabad in India. We are looking fat press for fat extraction in poultry by-product meal. This meal contains 45% fat (capacity per hour 2 tons).Please confirm, do have any fat press for poultry meal extraction?
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Antibiotics have been added to livestock in Industrial farms since 1946 to caused animal grow faster and put on weight more efficiently. Between 1985 and 2001, the use of antibiotics in feed for industrial livestock production rose a starling 50%. As global demand for animal protein grows, antibiotics use to raise food-producing animals in intensive production–mostly to promote growth rather ...
Participation in Forum on May 11, 2017
Hi Sir,My name is k .pavankumar from India. I have two poultry rendering units.I want to join your rendering association for improving our knowledge. Please suggest what is the process to join the association.
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David Meeker, Vice President of the National Renderers Association, commented on the relevance of rendering and the challenges that lie ahead for the industry, during IPPE 2017 in Atlanta, USA.
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