Professional Title:
Teacher/ Former Hog Farm Worker
Description of professional services:
I have worked with animals in the past , for about 17 years. I have an Undergraduate Degree from Texas A+M University in Animal Science Production. I also have a Masters Degree in Agricultural Development, also from TAMU. Presently I am an on-line student with Iowa State University with their On-Line Swine Science Certificate Program. My goal is to teach Swine Production on the college level when I retire from teaching. My short term goal is to learn as much as I can on-line about pigs, and combine it with my production experiences. I am trying to write articles that will bridge the gap between the producer and the researchers. I would gladly respond on-line to anyone who thinks that I might have something to offer them.
Professional experience:
(1) Six years of hog production, two with DeKalb Swine Breeders in Nursery, Grower, Finishing and Test Houses, four years with Agri-Vest Inc. most of that as their "First-Week Farrowing Supervisor" and about three months in the Nursery + Grower.
(2) Dark House Mgr. for Plantation Foods Turkey Breeder Division, four and one-half years.
(3) Veterinary Assistant for about four years.
(4) A little Dairy Farm and Beef Cattle Ranch experience.
Coverage area:
1608 E. Reppto, Brownfield, Texas, United States