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Article published the February 22, 2014
International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 3(1) Jan’13Abstract  Mastitis is an inflammatory disease condition of udder affecting milk production negatively and having a serious impact on the economy of dairy enterprises. It is considered to be the most costly disease of dairy animals and losses mainly occur through discarded milk, reduction ...
remove_red_eye 3832
forum 19
Article published the February 19, 2013
The term cage layer fatigue was initially used in North America (Couch, 1955) to describe a leg weakness in high producing hens housed in cages. Caged layer fatigue (CLF) seems to be an extreme consequence of loss of structural bone in the vertebrae that leads to spinal bone collapse and paralysis (Urist and Deutsch, 1960 Bell and Siller, 1962) which is and characterized by an inability to st ...
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forum 4
Article published the February 14, 2013
Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious viral disease affecting wild and domestic avian species. It is a worldwide problem that presents primarily as a respiratory disease, but depression, nervous manifestations, or diarrhea may be the predominant clinical form. Mortality is variable. Occurrence of a virulent form of the disease is reportable and may result in trade restrictions. Also known ...
remove_red_eye 2531
forum 5
Article published the November 13, 2012
Breeding is defined as the crossing of the male and the female parents to get the off spring for the characters desired. The main breeding methods are:1) In Breeding2) Out BreedingThey are further classified as given in the chart below:(1) INBREEDINGInbreeding is the mating of closely related individuals, whose relationship is more than the average relationship of the population. The example ...
remove_red_eye 38830
forum 5
Article published the November 13, 2012
A breed is a group of related animals with similar characters like general appearance, size, features and configuration etc. Often, breeds resemble each other with slight morphological differences, but because of constant inbreeding in one locality, independent breeds have evolved. In general, the cattle from drier regions are well built and those from heavy rainfall areas, coastal and hilly regio ...
remove_red_eye 87602
forum 20
Article published the October 2, 2012
Avian chlamydiosis is a zoonotic disease occurring among birds especially turkey and pigeons, characterized by respiratory, digestive, or systemic infection. It was earlier known as ‘Psittacosis’ or ‘Parrot fever’ since the disease originally recognized in psittacine birds and humans in contact with these birds. The term ‘Ornithosis’ was introduced in 1941, to r ...
remove_red_eye 1103
forum 1
Article published the October 1, 2012
INTRODUCTIONSubclinical ketosis (SCK) is defined as elevated concentrations of ketone bodies in the absence of clinical signs of ketosis. It is an important metabolic disease in dairy cattle during early lactation period and has been associated with decreased milk production, impaired reproductive performance, displaced abomasums, metritis, mastitis, and clinical ketosis (Duffield,2001). During th ...
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forum 4
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