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Iman M Hamza
Iman M Hamza likes this technical article:
The ProblemGut and oviduct microbiota are closely related, especially because of the common connection with the cloaca. In this condition, modulating the gut microbiota with multi-strain probiotic supplementation may change the oviduct tract microbiota.How we investigated or researched the problemHyline W36 laying hens housed in commercial aviaries were evaluated. Control animals were fed the farm ...
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PHILIP QUINN ImmunoWall is derived from the process of sugar cane fermentation in ethanol production, and is made up of around 35% ß-glucans (1,3 and 1,6) and 20% Mannan-Oligosaccharides (MOS). ß-glucans are recognised for their phagocytic cells, encouraging them to produce cytokines which will initiate a chain reaction to induce immunomodulation and enhance the responsiveness of the innate immun ...
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The World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH), a non profit organization, with partners like the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the University of Luxemburg and local Veterinary faculties has been giving high level training for 150 practicing poultry veterinarians from 22 countries during the last four years It took place in six countries (Veterinary faculties) se ...
Participation in Forum on November 28, 2012
Thanks to all I would like to know about the post mortem lesions and vaccination of fowl cholera on this flock.
Participation in Forum on July 27, 2012
thank you very much it is a very nice informative Article . i wonder if there any study about the sensitivity of mycotoxins to different breeds of chicken. and the susceptibility of different breed of e g maize sorghum or other grains to fungal infection.regards
Participation in Forum on May 29, 2012
Thank you for the useful topic, regarding infectious coryza. According to my experience isolation of the bacteria is very difficult because beside the fastidious nature of the organism the stage of the disease and the site of sampling is crucial for isolation of the bacteria . swabbing from infra orbital Sinus ,Trachea and cleft palate and liver what is the preferable site for isolation o ...
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March 25, 2012
equalizer Statistics: Forums(3)
Location:khartoum , Al Khartum, Sudan
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine