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Irfan Mahmood Mir
B.Sc (Pass)
24 years experience of Food, Feeds, Cereals, Wheat and Flour QAD. 1. 5 years (1984 -89) A.C.E. Laboratories (pvt) limited, Pak Chambers. 7, West Wharf Road, Karachi pakistan as, TRAINEE CHEMIST, LAB ASSISTANT AND CHEMIST 2. 8 years (1990-97) Grain Silos & Flour Mills...
B.Sc (Pass)
Discussion created on November 25, 2019
Labs used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science. A physics lab might contain a particle accelerator or vacuum chamber, while a metallurgy lab could have apparatus for casting or refining metals or for testing their strength. A chemist or biologist might use a wet laboratory, while a psychologist lab might be a ...
Discussion created on May 27, 2015
Photo posted on May 27, 2015
My Lab Logo
On the album: Irfan in Lab
Participation in Forum on June 16, 2011
The Quantity %age of silica in any feed should not exceed to 1% although cattle can resist up to 3% but on the safe side try to keep level of silica at 1%. Fat & Protein level can vary according to the weight and age of dairy cows refer to the diet table of dairy cows and for feeding also follow the table. Thanks Irfan Mir
Article published the October 29, 2010
The goal of feed manufacturing is to produce feed that meets intended specifications in nutritional composition. Today feed manufacturing is a very competitive activity and consistent feed quality is a key growth driver. Quality control and assurance have emerged as a critical feature in the business of feed manufacturing. A quality control system involves personnel being properly trained to ensur ...
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forum 7
Photos published on October 22, 2010
On the album: Labware
Photo posted on October 22, 2010
On the album: Irfan in Lab
Photos published on October 21, 2010
On the album: Irfan in Lab
This member had joined Engormix
October 21, 2010
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Forums(3)
Location:Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: B.Sc (Pass)
Followers (5)