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Participation in Forum on November 15, 2021
Interesting to read that you improved the production-process to intensify the hydrolysis and to produce a higher content of soluble bioactive structures. I assume manno-proteins, olig-mannans and beta-glucan fractions. At least 10 years ago, I had a discussion with Pierse Lyons about this, in relation to the Alltech theory that it were the solid fragments of yeast cell walls that adsorbed pathogen ...
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Yeast products are widely used in feeding. They can improve animal performance by reducing the growth of pathogenic bacteria and supporting immunity. Although the marketing claims are similar, the product characteristics vary a lot. Farmers and nutritionists are often wondering, how to evaluate different yeast products. Understanding the factors behind the effects of dietary yeast is crucial for t ...
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"It’s not only a commitment about feeding the world, it’s also a commitment about the environment". Frederique Clusel, Phileo General Manager, said to Engormix during IPPE 2020, In Atlanta, USA
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Heat stress pathophysiologyAs birds are homeothermic animals, they are able to maintain a relatively constant body temperature by balancing the production and dissipation of heat within their body. The maintenance of a constant body temperature is regulated by thyroid hormones of which the concentration is regulated by the hypothalamus – pituitary – thyroid axis (HPT) of the neuroendoc ...
Participation in Forum on July 30, 2019
Informative article. Useful guideline to produce reliable and comparable results.Thank you.
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IntroductionCommercial poultry production is associated with various stresses responsible for decreasing productive and reproductive performance of growing chicks, breeders and commercial layers. A growing body of evidence shows that most of stresses in poultry production at the cellular level are associated with oxidative stress. Recently, a concept of the cellular antioxidant defense has been re ...
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INTRODUCTION Today’s dairy farms are changing dynamically, with increasing herd size and more hired employees. On larger U.S. farms, there is a reliance on non-family immigrant or contract laborers. Latinos have surpassed African-Americans as the nation’s largest minority group, constituting 17% of the U.S. total population in 2014 (1). This is reflected within the dairy industry, and ...
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 BackgroundAvian Influenza (AI) virus belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family, Influenzavirus A genus. This virus possesses eight segments of single-stranded RNA genome. Two of these segments encode for two important membrane glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) [1], that play a key role during cellular infection. These two proteins are used for virus subtype classification ...
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  Immunometabolism The interface of the immune system and metabolism is an emerging field of study. Relatively recently, immunity and metabolism were treated as distinct processes carried out by an organism. Immunity was focused on the recognition and resistance to a pathogen and involved its own set of cells and tissue activities. Metabolism was solely the chemical processes that provided ...
Participation in Forum on February 4, 2016
Mr. Leahy, thanks for this very informative article. Helps to understand the (oftten) dramatic effects of metabolic stress and (sub-clinical) inflammation in dairy callte, on the early post-partum period, but also under other conditions resulting in a systemic inflammatory response, such as during prolonged heat-stress. The figure 1 ( Espositio 2014) is very informative, as well as the glucose ca ...
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Location:Boxmeer, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Agro Engineer Zootechnist
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