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German Davalos
The North American Renderers Association (NARA), headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, was formed in 1933 as the professional organization of the rendering industry. NARA is an alliance that speaks with a collective voice to represent the best interests of its members in public, government and ...
Video published on March 13, 2025
Gain insights into the emerging market opportunities in Africa with Matthew Meredith, Managing Principal at Lixcap. At the International Rendering Symposium 2025, this session explores economic growth prospects and investment potential across the continent.
Video published on March 26, 2024
Rendering is a vital part of sustainable agricultural production. Renderers take the parts of animals that North Americans choose not to utilize and make them into valuable products like livestock feed, pet food, biofuel, fertilizer, and other industrial products. The truth about rendering is much different than you may have been told.
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Videos(2)
Location:Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Director of NARA’s Latin America
Participations in events:
Followers (10)
Following (10)