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Salihu Ahmed
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Participation in Forum on October 9, 2023
How are these remedies best used: is it oral or spray?
Participation in Forum on September 7, 2023
What could make a chicken lay small egg during the course of its productivity?
Salihu Ahmed likes this technical article:
Feed constitutes one of the major costs incurred upon rearing a successful poultry farming. It is usually observed that up to 80% of the total rearing cost in Poultry is constituted by the Feed and thus it becomes imperative to have the best quality feed in order to attain the maximum performance potential of birds.The Feed which is made up of various raw materials can be the first source of infec ...
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2022
What's the best drug used to treat NE in pullets of 13 weeks old?
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Beverly Chinonye Okpalugo Coccidial organisms are prevalent in all environments. Using sand as a bedding is no guarantee of freedom of infection; to state otherwise is misleading. To reduce the risk of coccidiosis requires excellent hygiene, good biosecurity, and then implementation of a treatment strategy that can include both coccidiostats and anti-coccidial vaccines. Coccidiosis probably causes ...
Participation in Forum on April 28, 2022
Please, what does it take to carry out lesion scoring process?
Participation in Forum on April 25, 2022
Good job, please I need an information on lession scoring thanks.
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INTRODUCTIONCoccidiosis presently proves to be a major and pressing protozoan disease in the poultry industry worldwide (Dalloul and Lillehoj, 2006). Coccidiosis is caused by a protozoan parasite from the genus Eimeria. The life cycle of coccidial parasites includes asexual and sexual replication stages and begins when a bird ingests sporulated oocysts from the environment, as described by Conway ...
Participation in Forum on April 25, 2022
dan hofer good morning sir in my case there were mortalities and finally we had to cull the birds
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