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Habib Nur
Participation in Forum on February 27, 2023
Dear Yusef Huberman Sir,thanks for your kind reply.
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Dear Habib. The comments made by Dr. Kotaiah Talapaneni (11dic2021) are correct. Recuperated birds will have immunity if infected during rearing. You may vaccinate healthy birds. If antibiotics do not help, you should send samples for isolation of Avibacterium paragallinarum and have them make a sensibility test and select the correct antibiotic.Vaccination may boost immunization and protection.
Participation in Forum on February 26, 2023
Dear Sir,Here I came to know that IC Vaccination of Laying bird is allowed if the bird mistakenly not done any Coryza Vaccination before production stage.Here in Bangladesh, I have a coryza Case treated with Sulfanamide with Erythromycin but after few days it is repeatedly happened. So i want to do inactivated vaccine for permanent immunization.
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Dear Mr. Hutter: Thank you for your comments. Here is in brief my response: 1- Yes indeed, rapid feed passage is observed mostly around 21 days of age and older in broilers depending on the actual concentration of trypsin inhibitors in the feed. Those trypsin inhibitors in the feed are derived either from soybean meal, or full-fat soybeans or both. However, in our experience, in several markets im ...
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It has been a remarkable year in the industry with many events returning to full normalcy, after COVID restrictions, as well as breakthroughs in research. On Engormix, the conversation never stopped and you can find here some of the content (videos, articles, forums) that caught the attention of our members. Feel free to go through it, comment or share it, and get ready for 2023. Click on the im ...
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Congratulations to the authors for publishing such a nice research in Engormix. One remark that could be done, is that based on this design, it's not possible to define an ideal ratio of these amino acids to lysine, since lysine is in excess (as other amino acids). With enough trials with many different amino acids you might eventually get there but a different design might be more interesting. On ...
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Hector Salgado (Jefo Nutrition) presents his poster on alternatives to traditional anticoccidials, during the Symposium on Gut Health in St. Louis, USA.
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Dr Hafiz Rizwan Akram, thank you for your question, which is a really good one and please apologize for my delayed feedback. With aggressiveness you mean feather pecking and cannibalism, which are really multifactorial problems; at the one side genetical, at the other side management: housing, lightning - respectively the light intensity, stocking density existence of hostile stimuli (pain and fr ...
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Hi to all: To control of QX Bronchitis pathogenesis in breeder to prevent left oviduct cyst, need to note the following factors. 1- Good cleaning and disinfection of poultry house before chick arrival.2- to buy day old chicks by good maternal immunity against QX strain.3- Good vaccination program including protectotype strategy.As all know QX strain pathogenesis occur in first weeks of life (2-3) ...
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Ma 5 and 4/91 evry 6 weeks untilend of production.
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