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Vilayath AH
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Rossari Biotech Limited is one of the India’s leading Enzyme manufactures headquartered in Mumbai, India. The company markets and manufacturers for wide range of industries including the animal health. The prime focus in the animal health is on Gut health and measures to improve the nutrient availability and digestibility through its products which are validated, effective, safe and consiste ...
Participation in Forum on March 14, 2022
Hydropericardium rings of Adeno virus involvement.
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INTRODUCTIONSoybean meal´s good amino acids (AA) balance makes it an excellent protein source in poultry diets, although it does have the disadvantage of containing antinutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitors and lectins. These can negatively affect animal growth if the SBM is not adequately processed(1) using a proper cooking time and temperature to deactivate these factors(2). Exces ...
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Very good suggestions are given in this forum. As we know, one of the first sign of a prolapse problem is the blood-streaked eggs and careful & vigilant management will lower the rate of prolapse problem. We are also aware of following major causes which induce problem of prolapse in commercial laying hens: • Over or under weight birds • Increasing day length to stimulate for earl ...
Participation in Forum on June 27, 2021
Correct body weight at the time of light stimulation with correct light program with optimum intensity,diet with adequate levels of Ca and P,correct environmental temperature to reduce pecking and a debeaked flock(May be a welfare issue in some places) should help in minimizing the Prolapse problem.
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Dear Dr. Chandra the average weight(1500 grams) of your bovans flock in 23 weeks age is good for better understanding your flock problem it is necessary to evaluate some item as bellow :1- How much is the uniformity of your flock ? in this age it must be more than 85% how many of bird,s weight are lower and under the 10% of average weight? if the rate is high the problem is worse.2- if uniformity ...
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Bouayad Good morning This problem mainly occurs during winter season from my experiences due to Major cause deficiency of oxygen - and high % of CO21-heater utilizeO2 and produce co22-bad ventilation3-sometimes due to high level of sodium in ration -or high fish meal or increase salt physiological due to increase pressure in the liver due to increase pulmonary arterial pressure cause shortage of g ...
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Nestor Froyalde Miliary pin pointed necrotic areas in the liver in acute and per acute phase
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June 11, 2020
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Location:Tripoli, Tarabulus, Lybia
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