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Elena Koleva
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Mr. Guo.This depends on several factors. First, the toxin that contaminates the material. Depending on what we find, the adsorbent is used. The clearest example is that of Aluminosilicates for Aflatoxins. There are many that work very well.Thus, saying which is the best is not possible. A product that "works" for all mycotoxins may look better, but the active ingredients are diluted when a toxin i ...
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I think it is not the Mycotoxins that replicate themselves, or form themselves,but the various fungi or Mycelium which produce them it is the fungi that requires conducive environment to produce myco toxins and various fungi produce peculiar, or multiple myco toxins that ranges from Aflatoxin to Fuminoxin DON and Zearalinone etc The conducive factors for these fungi must include appropriate substr ...
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Aoun Khan Water activity represents free water for growth of microorganisms. It goes from 0 to 1 (pure water). From 0.7 already has some microorganisms that can grow, so keeping below that eliminates the risk. This goes for any food/feed.
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The control of mycotoxins should be focused within a program that is usually called “Integrated Control”. This supposes apply some preventive measures at all stages of food production in question. The controls and measures to be implemented should become extended to the following steps: •• Growing food •• Selection of varieties •• Control of insects and ...
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While propionic acid can assist in controlling mold growth, it's important to know that mycotoxins are already formed and exist in the feed. Mycotoxins need mycotoxin binders to eliminate them and hence it's an insurance to a clean feed since the sampling procedure for toxin binders is erroneous and involves large quantities, if sampling it's essential to incorporate a good binder.
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Md. Abdullah Ansari, Propionic acid and fumaric acid have almost equal efficacy in preventing biosynthesis of aflatoxins in feed. However, small variations may occur due to method followed in estimation. Overall if we see, propionic acid is little bit more efficacious in preventing biosynthesis of aflatoxins in feed.
Participation in Forum on July 20, 2018
I very much like this report, interesting information about mycotoxins.Veterinarian.
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Livestock Industry Foundation for Africa (LIFA) is in readiness to collaboratewith intended corporate support organization to mitigate the identified challenges and improve knowledge based capacity on new innovations to minimide vulnersbility to climate change viagries in the region
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Thank you sir for this discussion. My dear colleagues in the academia, what are we doing to mitigate the effects of climate change in the livestock industry. Dr Adejoro has highlighted good recommendations. Since we are not yet very good in nanotechnology, we should look at nutrition option as suggested by Martin Smith from Evonik. My ongoing research work shows a very high level of mycotoxin cont ...
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Great topic, and one that deserves much attention. I agree with Martin as well, so how can we all help the industry in Nigeria? While we are dealing with mycotoxins, hatchery issues, etc. in other areas as well, scientists and industry professionals have data that I believe would be great to employ in Nigeria. For example, a group out of Hebrew University in Israel does much work on heat stress ...
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