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This member gave a presentation on January 24, 2023
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2023
Article published the July 12, 2021
INTRODUCTIONAntibiotics used as growth promoters (AGP) have successfully controlled dysbiosis and enteropathogens for the past 50 years (1). However, the recent increase in worldwide non-AGP poultry production is challenging the industry in management, health, and animal welfare due to the increase of enteric and systemic diseases (2, 3). One of the most accepted theories of AGP mechanism is its r ...
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Participation in Forum on December 1, 2020
George Entz Hello George! We have no specific trial with Coccivac B-52, but we have many other trials with Lumance in poultry. Feeding strategy is crucial in case of antibiotic free production and also for live anticoccidial vaccine efficacy. Anti-nutritional factors in wheat and soy are related with changes in viscosity and chronical intestinal inflammation leading to intestinal microbiota disbal ...
Article published the November 19, 2020
Highlights of this researchChronic Inflammation means losses and can cause a reduction in growth up to 30%Chronic gut inflammation often seen in field conditions is due to the synergistic & additive negative impact of several stress factors.We triggered ‘chronic gut inflammation’ with the complete replacement of corn with wheat and ryeLumance® alleviated ‘chronic gut infl ...
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Dr. Milena Sevastiyanova likes this technical article:
IntroductionEarlier, it was hypothesized that growth promoting effects of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters (AGPs) in poultry feed are attributed to their non-antibiotic anti-inflammatory properties.Inflammation causes a reduction in growth (through inappetence and muscle catabolism), birds without any inflammation can reach 100 % of their genetic growth potential.Among the proposed anti-inflammatory ...
Dr. Milena Sevastiyanova likes the news release:
Mycotoxins impair animal health, welfare and performance. These toxins are difficult to monitor and tools assessing both the risk in feed and the exposure impact in animals can contribute greatly in helping the producer to take the right measures and thus, avoid significant economic losses. A 4-year PhD research project with the University of Ghent (Belgium) on the use of biomarkers for mycotoxin ...
Participation in Forum on October 2, 2019
Dear Steffen, The replicates been 8 per group. The duration of the trial was 39 days (from weaning at 21 days of age till 60 days of age). The treatments in the control group been as follow: D21 - D42 of age : ZnO 2500 ppm + Neomycin (150 ppm) D43 - D60 of age : ZnO 1500 ppm I'm completely agree that long duration of treatment with ZnO is reducing the performance, but the control group is typi ...
Article published the September 4, 2019
IntroductionAntibiotics and pharmacological levels of ZnO are common recommendations for prevention of PWD and improvement of growth performance in farms (1). The EC has scheduled a ban on ZnO as of 2022 and increasing incidence of AMR requires restrictive and prudent use (2).This study investigated the effectiveness of an in-feed complex alternative formula of esterified butyrins, medium chain fa ...
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Dr. Milena Sevastiyanova likes the news release:
Ambient temperature and relative humidity are two of the most important environmental factors for animal productivity and welfare. Despite advances in cooling technologies and strategies heat stress, the inability of animals to properly reduce thermal energy produced, continues to represent a serious health concern. When animals are exposed to temperatures that are higher than the comfort zone (16 ...
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Location:Vienna, Wien, Austria
Profile: Professional
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