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Ali Ajwad
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ahmet nuri bilgin thermodynamics can only handle this problem
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Dear readers.Ozone treatment of water for Poultry is cost effective, easy and environment friendly, but the major draw back is that it does not have residual disinfection quality. On spot it will disinfect water very fast, but after that when water goes through pipes in sheds it is recontaminated again by bio-film and other factors. This can be tested very easily by taking samples at Ozone treatme ...
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In our part of the world there is a norm that in First week of broiler life provide it feed ad libitum but in second week & third week (may be till slaughter) the feed requirement is calculated by multiplying the number of days & number of birds with constant of 4.5 gram feed, in some houses the constant is 5 g from week four till slaughter. On contrary to this the Ross and Cobb Broiler Performanc ...
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yes, first of all plz ensure that ; 1- fans belts are tightened ,its important for the reason that afan with loose belt will exhaust 15--20% less air 2- fans shutters are fully opened; slanty position of shutters is not desirable 3- fans blades must b free of dust all the time , especially during hot weathers, bcs a dusted blade fan efficiency is reduced to 20-25%. if after committi ...
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Dr. Munawer, what is the actual problem you are facing while running your farm on evaporative cooling system. The only problem I faced while at the Be Be Jan Farms was that the air speed inside the shed was very slow with the original system supplied by the company in USA. as a result the birds were uncomfortable due to humidity and wet litter. The air speed inside the shed was 200 m/sec measure w ...
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The gizzard lesion many time seen in acute form of clostridium infection in particularly of commercial layers
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It is aflatoxins lesions you should take sample from feed and analysis
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Consider mycotoxicosis
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Only single liver picture is not enough to identify the problem. It's better to post whole post-mortem pictures.
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Suleman Arshad,This can be marek's or leukosis. We generally don't get to see marek's lesions after 30 weeks. Nowadays, we are seeing a lot of cases in old layers. If you are interested to know what it is, better to send samples for histopathology or rt-pcr.
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Location:Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Profile: Professional