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Article published the July 16, 2024
I. INTRODUCTIONThe product tested is a purified yeast fraction which is highly concentrated in β-1.3/1.6 glucans (BG). β-1.3/1.6 glucans stimulate the immune system by triggering the Dectin-1 receptors located on the surface of phagocytes, stimulating a release of cytokines. Cytokines induce different immune pathways causing an immune response. When phagocytes that have previously been e ...
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News published on July 13, 2023
General Manager Lesaffre, Dr Brice-Audren Riché welcomes all visitors  Phileo by Lesaffre brought together more than 100 key stakeholders of the livestock industry at their new factory to discuss the future of a sustainable agriculture. Mid June Phileo by Lesaffre celebrated the opening of the new factory in Valladolid, Spain, more than 100 customers and business partners from the ag ...
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This member gave a presentation on June 15, 2022
At the following event:
Phileo Microbiota Days
Article published the September 7, 2021
Advanced nutritional feed strategies will play an ever-increasing role in enabling poultry producers to transition away from widespread antibiotic use. Phileo’s comprehensive post-antibiotic program provides the nutritional tools in the form of Safmannan® and Selsaf® to both combat the negative effects of variable quality feed and the stress associated with the st ...
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Article published the June 30, 2021
Yeast cell wall (YCW) fractions have proven effective in reducing the incidence of necrotic enteritis induced by Clostridium perfringens. Dietary supplementation with YCWs stimulates the systemic innate immune responses of broiler chickens, suggesting the role of these products in regulating immune homeostasis (Alizadeh et al., 2016). In a proposed mode of action of YCW on bacteria, the branched l ...
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Article published the December 16, 2020
Despite successful Salmonella control measures implemented in food-animal production, salmonellosis remains one of the most frequently occurring food-borne zoonoses worldwide, with poultry and poultry products as the main transmission vector. In general, about 65% of the animals belonging to a flock are identified as asymptomatic carriers and are colonized by Salmonella spp. Serotypes colonizing t ...
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Article published the August 11, 2020
To provide in vitro evidences on the antimicrobial effect of yeast cell wall (YCW), the effectiveness of YCW fractions in inhibiting the growth of several C. perfringens strains was quantitatively determined. The bacterium was grown in the presence of different YCW fractions at different concentration levels. The effect of YCW fractions on the growth parameters was analyzed. One product out of fou ...
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Article published the August 11, 2020
This trial was done to determine broiler live performance to 42 days, under a hot climate in India. 2080 VenCobb 400 broilers were allocated in 4 groups with 26 birds per floor pen and 20 replicates per group: negative control group (NC), positive control group (PC), direct-fed microbial group (DFM) at Log 5 CFU/g of feed and Bacitracine group (BMD) at 500 g/T of feed. The DFM product was composed ...
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