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Matrix values describes the amount of additional nutrients that are released when you add the enzyme. If you study the matrix values for a phytase product you will notice that the manufacturer claims that his product releases xx g of dig. P per kg. feed or is equivalent to adding xx g of DCP/MCP to the feed. If you are studying the matrix values for carbohydrases you will typically notice that the ...
Participation in Forum on November 21, 2017
Joseph Akayi Nammonywa would you please expalin matrix value definition and calculation more broadly.
Product published on January 4, 2015
There are still lacunae in evidence-based medicine and "systematic review and meta-analysis" in the poultry medicine, science, and industry. We need meta-analyses to make right decision about a cause and effect paradigm. For instance, if you want to choose the best litter for reducing pododermatitis in your farm; you must do meta-analysis. Meta-analysis is very time-consuming task and you must be ...
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September 16, 2014