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News published on October 12, 2022
We are happy to announce that the 7th edition of the international course "Fundamentals and Applications of Near Infrared Spectroscopy" is here again. This 100% online course is conducted by the International Council of Near Infrared Spectroscopy and the University of Córdoba and taught by worldwide NIRS reputed lecturers. The theoretical lectures, practical exercises, interactive self-lea ...
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Article published the December 14, 2020
1. IntroductionVirgin olive oil is an essential component of the traditional Mediterranean diet. Its quality is known to be influenced by a number of factors, including plant variety, environmental conditions, agronomic and harvesting practices and technological processes [1,2].The International Olive Council (IOC) [3] and the European Union (EU) [4] have established standards that can be applied ...
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News published on November 19, 2020
The online course is taught through the Moodle platform of the University of Córdoba (UCO), which organizes it in collaboration with the International Society for NIR Spectroscopy (ICNIRS, The course is taught in English and has a teaching load of 6 ECTS and includes theory classes, practical exercises, interactive self-learning tools, virtual visits to laborator ...
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News published on May 15, 2020
The online course is taught through the Moodle platform of the University of Córdoba (UCO), which organizes it in collaboration with the International Society for NIR Spectroscopy (ICNIRS, The course is taught in English and has a teaching load of 6 ECTS and includes theory classes, practical exercises, interactive self-learning tools, virtual visits to laboratorie ...
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News published on September 6, 2019
The course is online through the Moodle platform of the University of Córdoba (UCO), which organizes it in collaboration with the International Society of Spectroscopy NIR (ICNIRS, The course is taught in English and has a teaching load of 6 ECTS and includes theoretical classes, practical exercises, interactive self-learning tools, virtual visits to laboratories, ...
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News published on April 4, 2018
The course, coordinated by Professor Ana Garrido Varo, requires a workload of 6 ECTS. The theoretical lectures, practical exercises, interactive self-learning exercises and tools, virtual visits to laboratories, etc. cover basic NIR concepts, such as applications of NIR in a variety of situations in private and public enterprises. By completing the course the student will achie ...
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July 31, 2014
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)
Location:Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Research
Followers (3)