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Atef Abou Zead Thanks Zead for bringing up the question – this has been haunting me for a very long time. From the Chemistry point of View, Calcium Butyrate and Sodium Butyrate has not much difference. For both the pKa is 4.8. However in many markets, often a sales person with the help of the product managements inputs is tempted to promote the Calcium Butyrate by saying Calcium is bivalent henc ...
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Dear Goh Geng Hua , I was refering on natural betaine, from sugar beet molasses. The main differences, between natural and synthetic betaine are the content on chloride (Cl) and on trimethylamines (TMA). High Cl levels have negative impact on the osmolytic function of betaine, and high TMA levels can confer a "fishy-taint" to the end-products. Furthermore, EFSA recognized high TMA levels as bei ...
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Heat stress results in respiratory alkalosis leading to excessive loss of Carbon dioxide due to open mouth breathing. CO2 released comes from two sources 1) breakdown of Carbonic acid and 2) Oxidation of simple sugar (glucose).Carbonic acid breakdown can be compensated with addition of Sodi bicarb.Dietary electrolyte balancing will involve optimal addition of salt so that value for Sodium and Chlo ...
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It is a nice knowledgeable presentation on control of heat stress.Ref. to Dr. Danny Hooge's article on the same subject, use of 0.4 to 0.5% Sodium Bicarbonate.(NaHCo3) in feed can be helpful to control the Respiratory Alkalosis and reduce the losses during high heat time.I have applied this recommendation in many farms of broilers, particularly naturally ventilated houses and got good results.Kind ...
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July 1, 2014
Location:Lahore, Punjab, Pakistán
Profile: Student
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