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Dr Jelena Nedeljkovic Trailovic likes the comment:
It is encouraging to see that AFB1 and OTA could not build up. The samples were taken soon after the harvest and storage AFB1 producing molds could not proliferate. Although standard harvest procedure might have been followed, inclusion of grain physical parameters like moisture content would be more informative.
Article published the May 12, 2017
INTRODUCTION From the aspect of human and veterinary medicine, food safety represents a significant problem. Thus, attention is directed to diseases which are closely related to different kinds of mycotoxicoses. Reports from the World Health Organization show that the presence of mycotoxins and toxic metabolites of molds in the food for human consumption is not on the decrease. Due to the obviou ...
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This member gave a presentation on October 23, 2015
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Article published the May 19, 2015
Keywords:  aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, E568, E567, zeolites organomodificationMYCOTOXINS are secondary toxic metabolites of saprophytic moulds and they enter organisms of humans and animals through food and feed. The first data about detrimental effects of mouldy food in China dates back to 3000 years B.C. Yellow rice toxin disease was recorded in Japan at the end of the XIX century, when peo ...
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Article published the January 29, 2014
IntroductionOchratoxins are highly toxic compounds commonly produced as secondary metabolites by two species of fungi: Penicillium verrucosum Dierckx and Aspergillus alutaceus (Reverberi et al., 2010). The toxin is made up of three similar compounds, of which ochratoxin A (C20H18ClNO6) is the most toxic and abundant. In recent years ochratoxin A (OTA) has drawn considerable attention because it ca ...
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This member had joined Engormix
January 24, 2014
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)
Location:Belgrade, Serbia
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Botany, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, University of Belgrade
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