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Sandra Baxendell
BVSc (Hons), PhD MANZCVSc, GCertAppSC(RurExt), GCertPSectMgt, PGDAppSc, MRurSysMan
Advice & training for goat producers.Dr Sandra Baxendell, PSM, BVSc (Hons), PhD MANZCVSc, GCertAppSC(RurExt), GCertPSectMgt, PGDAppSc, MRurSysMan, Director, Goat Veterinary Consultancies -goatvetoz
BVSc (Hons), PhD MANZCVSc, GCertAppSC(RurExt), GCertPSectMgt, PGDAppSc, MRurSysMan
Participation in Forum on July 16, 2018
You might want to change diary to dairy in the title ASAP. Typos happen to us all sometime.
Participation in Forum on November 7, 2017
Overfeeding trace minerals esp. copper is a major problem with goat owners.
Discussion created on September 28, 2016
bandaged goat recovering from anaesthesia and dehorning
Participation in Forum on September 26, 2016
The earlier it is done e.g. after 3 months, the better the healing. Adults take a long time for the holes into the frontal sinuses to heal
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There is probably no point in deworming at birth. Generally it is only necessary when calves start to graze green pasture or are fed cut pasture that has been fertilized with cattle manure, as calves need to be exposed to larvae from grass to develop infestations. We generally recommend deworming each month - 6 weeks, following access to green grass. Occasional worm egg counts also need to be done ...
Article published the March 1, 2015
Johne’s disease (pronounced “Yo Knees”) is an incurable wasting disease of adult goats. There are 2 distinct strains of Johne’s disease in Australia - the bovine or cattle strain and the sheep or ovine strain. These are generally referred to as BJD and OJD. Unfortunately goats can get both, although BJD is the more common. Johne’s disease is related to the one that ca ...
remove_red_eye 699
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Article published the March 1, 2015
From this to this, 12 month later   There is NO treatment and NO vaccine.It is mentioned in the National Goat Health Statement that should go with each NVD and in the National Kid Rearing Plan.But, it is not Johne’s Disease nor gastrointestinal parasitism (although it wasting is a common sign and these goats could have these conditions as well as their resistance is reduc ...
remove_red_eye 124
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Article published the February 27, 2015
Clinical SignsWhile dairy goats generally get the cattle strain of Johne’s disease (also called paratuberculosis),[i] they often do not show the typical signs that are observed in cattle i.e. watery diarrhoea, dehydration and thickened, corrugated intestines.  In goats, the main clinical sign of Johne’s disease is just wasting away. Johne’s disease is caused by bacteria call ...
remove_red_eye 900
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Photos published on July 12, 2014
Dehorning goats
On the album: Dehorning goats
Discussion created on July 12, 2014
doing the second of the local block needed on each side before dehorning a goat
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)Forums(6)
Location:Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: BVSc (Hons), PhD MANZCVSc, GCertAppSC(RurExt), GCertPSectMgt, PGDAppSc, MRurSysMan
Followers (4)