Participation in Forum on February 9, 2022
Thank you. I've seen all the information.
Participation in Forum on February 9, 2022
Can you show the details of evidence, please
Participation in Forum on August 25, 2017
For me,  I prefer about feeding, medication watering first. With proper distribution of light intensity and temperature of both water and litter. Followed with a little bit of air exchange to avoid carbon dioxide concentration. First 60 hrs. with no more brooding area to keep them feel warm by crowding activity too by adding more adaptive feeder.
Dr. Damnern Sohsuebngarm likes this technical article:
INTRODUCTION For many years, broiler intestinal health was supported by the widespread use of antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs). These AGPs are antibiotic substances that were added to the feed at subtherapeutic levels, leading to improved animal performance. In the European Union, the use of AGPs was banned in 2006 while the Center for Veterinary Medicine of the US Food and Drug. Administr ...
Participation in Forum on July 22, 2016
Yes, I am agree with this. And every time that in the younger most of Broiler breeder, broiler chicken and layer flock, the immunosuppression disorder from both of mycotoxins and unproperly nutritional (nutrional deficiency) are very serious. In Thailand year 2016, we have both of Aflatoxin and some of Fusariotoxins like Fumonisin, DON and DAS were affected to our production. Induce breaking of MD ...
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August 16, 2013
equalizer Statistics: Forums(4)
Location:Lop Buri, Lop Buri, Thailand
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor